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The sudden impact of the oval shaped muggle ball pounding into his face had been one of the last things Clifford had wanted to feel as he woke up. Having previously spent the early hours of the morning stumbling into the door room, higher than the Ravenclaw tower and disoriented reeking of weed and girls' perfume. But after a total of three hours of sleep, Clifford would not confirm that he wanted to kill Travis, who sat on the bed opposite him, his hazel eyes gleaming with amusement.

Clifford's back cracked as he stretched, rolling onto his stomach and wrapping his fingers around the oval shaped ball. Catching Travis by surprise and jolting up just long enough and with just enough force he threw the ball at Travis who ducked out of the way, narrowly missing him and hitting Julian who stood behind him, fixing his tie. Clifford quickly went to lay back down again, wrapping his arm around his second pillow, spooning it. "Who the bloody hell did that?" Julian demanded to know, his scathing dark eyes landing on them. Lazily reaching up, Clifford pointed his finger to Travis. "Tosser." Julian growled, reaching for the belt he hadn't put on and whipping it towards Travis who shot up, jumping out of the way.

"Fuck off, Prince," Travis called out, shielding his face as Julian hit him with the belt.

"Take care not to hit me again, prick." Julian grumbled, turning around and storming out of the dorm room while he put his belt on. Clifford's lips tugged into a small smirk, opening his eyes slightly to peer up at Travis who huffed in annoyance, sitting down.

"What the hell?" Travis called out, watching Clifford who sighed, wondering how much energy it would take him to roll to the other side.

"You're a right prick, you know that?" Clifford grumbled, wondering if he'd be able to just ditch all of his classes today and curl up under his blankets for the rest of his life. There was no motivation left in him to get out and brave Hogwarts and its vast array of characters. Right in that moment the door was shoved open and Addison passed the threshold, looking dishevelled as a bashful smile and flushed cheeks were donned upon his features.

"Honey bunch, I thought we agreed you two would keep the sweet talk a minimum in front of the boys, you know how jealous they get." Addison mockingly commented, coming up behind Travis, messing up his over gelled hair causing the boy to hiss and run to the mirror, fixing it.

"That's beyond the realm of possibility my stinky little troll." Clifford rasped, flashing a toothy grin as the two boys let out a bout of laughter.

"Every time, every fucking time, you know just once I would like to not have to do my hair a million times in the morning." Travis growled, reaching for his hair gel. Addison raised an eyebrow, grabbing Travis's pillow while he was distracted, and wiping his hand on it.

"How much shit do you put in your hair? It's like I dipped my hand in a vat of grease." Addison complained, scrunching up his face.

"You don't have to touch my hair." Travis pointed out.

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