Your heart was beating so hard by the end of her speech that you were surprised you could still hear her over it pounding in your ear. "Alright, Alright hey, shhh." You soothed gently. "Here's what we're gonna do. I'm gonna come pick you up and bring you back to my house, we're gonna get you either comfortable or all dolled up, your call. While you get ready I'm gonna hop in the game and kick Bucky's ass at whatever he's playing and then you and I are gonna go see a movie. How's that sound?"

Natasha couldn't stop the watery laugh that escaped her. "Thank up Y/N." She said softly, not trusting her voice. "Of course Nat." You responded as you got up and grabbed your keys. "I have to stop and get some gas and then I'll be right over." You said before hanging up.

You arrived at Natasha's house about 15 minutes later. You knocked on the door a bit anxiously as you rocked back and forth on the balls of your feet.

Not 5 seconds later Nat opened the door with a bright smile. You felt your heart sink at the tear stains that were still prominent on her cheeks. "My parents already know I'm leaving so we're good to go." She smiled softly.  "Perfect," you exclaimed and held out the plastic bag in your hand to her. "I picked up some stuff while at the gas station that we could sneak into the movie."

She opened the bag and couldn't help the soft gasp that escaped her. Inside the bag was an assortment of all her favorite candies and two bottles of her favorite drink. "Y/N, you didn't have to." You waved your hand dismissively. "If Bucky won't treat you like a princess on your date night then I surely will," you could see her moving to respond but you quickly cut her off. "Come on, we can pick up some food on the way to my house."


Once you two had gotten McDonald's (which you had paid for despite Nat's protests) you headed back to your house and straight up to your room.

You turned on your PS4 and pulled your headset on. Nat sat beside you on your bed with her food in hand as her eyes looked to the screen. She personally never got the appeal of video games, if anything she only saw them as the thing that distracted her boyfriend from spending time with her. Looking over at you, the determination in your eyes wasn't lost on her. She had never seen you like this. Come to think of it she had never seen you on the game other than when you were in a party with Bucky, and even then she was with Bucky and he was fully ignoring her to play the game.

The more she thought about it the more she realized this was the only time you had ever even turned on your ps4 when hanging out with her and even then you were doing it for her.

"Hey assholes," your good-natured greeting brought her out of her thoughts. She could hear the muffled chorus of similar greetings thrown your way as you loaded up the game they were all in.

"Hey Bucky, it's been foreverrrrrrr since I've kicked your ass at this game. Ready to eat dirt?" You taunted. Bucky chuckled in your ear. "Bet, L/N. But don't go around pouting when I make you eat your words." A dark smirk played at your lips.

"You're on."


"WHAT!? FUCKING HOW!?" You winced slightly as Bucky yelled in your ear after you had landed your 24th headshot on him. One more and you'd win the game. Nat sat beside you with her hands over her mouth as she tried her best to hold in her laughter.

You however let out a loud laugh and shrugged. "I'm sorry Buck, but how long have you been playing this game? And isn't this your main?" You teased earning a growl from the boy in question and snickers from the rest at the party. Despite how relaxed you may have seemed to Nat and sounded to the others you were completely focused and scanning your large Tv screen for Bucky's next move.

When you saw movement out of the corner of your eye you caused your character to crouch before whipping around and landing your final headshot in him.

Wha- no! There's no fuckin way!" Bucky complained angrily.

"Best believe it." You smirked as the others started to tease Bucky. He tried to defend himself by saying some bullshit about how you had cheated or how his sticks were sticky.

You looked at Nat who rolled her eyes just about as hard as you wanted to. "Well Bucky, this was fun. Now I got shit to do so catch y'all later." With that, you turned off your PS4 and set your controller and headset up.

"I must say I'm impressed. I've never heard him that mad over a game before." Nat laughed and you raised an eyebrow. "Really? That was nothing compared to him playing COD." You laid back on your bed and looked over at her.

"So, what movie did you wanna watch hmm?"

"Well...actually I was thinking we could just stay here and watch whatever you have here instead." When she looked over at your quizzical look she quickly tried to explain herself. "B-because it would be cheaper and all. No point in leaving when we already have the food, snacks, and a comfortable bed."

You looked at her for a moment with an amused look for sitting up with a casual shrug. "Alright." You got up and walked to the closet and pulled out some clothes for her and you to sleep in. "I assume you're sleeping here."

You didn't miss the blush on her face as she gave you a small nod. You couldn't help the smirk that spread across your face. You gave her the clothes before she got up and changed in the bathroom. You changed in your room before pulling up a movie and crawling into your bed.

Nat came back a few minutes later and you suddenly forgot how to breathe. You could have never imagined how amazing she would look wearing your clothes. You looked at her and gulped as you could only assume you were blushing furiously.

"I um...pulled up a movie for us. I hope you like it, it's one of my favorites." You drew your eyes to the TV screen not wanting to stare at her any longer and have her feel awkward.

She chuckled before crawling into bed next to you and grabbing the remainder of her food. You wordlessly started the movie. You felt yourself relaxing more and more as the minutes ticked by and soon the two of you were each giving a commentary on the movie that honestly made it 10 times better.

Soon your laughter was all that could be heard from the room as you doubled over in laughter. "Stop! I can't breathe!" You begged to cause Nat to laugh louder. "But am I wrong? He looks smack like if Danny DeVito was 6'1 and 20 years younger." She defended.

You struggled to stop tears from escaping you as you stared to come down from your high of pure euphoria. "Damnit Nat, I'll never look at him the same." You chuckled tiredly as you leaned back on your pillows. The redhead put her hands up in surrender. "Blame him not me." You scoffed and gently hit her with a nearby pillow.

"Hey!" She exclaimed as she reached for a pillow to retaliate. Before she could come down on you with the full wrath of the pillow she paused as her phone went off. Your smile slowly died along with hers as you both already knew who it was.

Slowly she set the pillow down and grabbed her phone. Seeing that the caller ID was indeed Bucky she sighed and looked to you.

"Don't answer it."

You surprised yourself with yourself words. You raised an eyebrow at you prompting you to quickly continue. "Let him be for the night. He stood you up, why does he deserve to have your answer when he calls but he can't do the same for you?" God, you hoped that worked.

"You know what? You're right." She declared before turning her phone on silent and laying back down next to you. You let out a breath of relief you had no clue you were holding in. You really had no faith in that working.

"Hey Y/N?" Nat asked softly causing you to meet her eyes. "Thank you, for all this. You really didn't have to."

"Aw, it was nothing Nat, honest. This is exactly what you should have been doing with Bucky tonight but since he's a complete idiot I am more than happy to stand in for him." You smiled and gave a slight shrug. She gave you a grateful smile before moving closer to you. Your breath completely hitched as she laid her head in your chest and closed her eyes.

"But really, thank you."

You paused before wrapping your arms around her with a smile. "Of course Nat, anytime."

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