Chapter 13: Let's See How it Goes🧡

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Cookie woke up on top of Alexander. She peaked his lips and he started to tongue kiss her. He flipped her over. " Uhh, slow down mister." Cookie moaned. " I just want to fuck you right now." Alexander says opening his eyes. Cookie laughed and moved away from under him. " You sound so desperate." she laughs.

He pulls her on top of him. " I am very desperate." he kisses her again and starts to tickle her. Cookie was running around the apartment laughing. He stops when she pushed him on the couch. " You are so annoying." she says trying to catch her breath. " Will you be this out of breath when I fuck you?" he says and smacks her ass. "Ouch! You are so mean." Cookie says. " This is going to be interesting." Alexander says and Cookie pushes him out of the apartment.

He is such a fool 😩😂.

She gets prepared for work and goes to Starbucks to get her breakfast. She meets Morris there and they talk for a while. " Brother in law." Cookie says. " How are you doing beautiful?" he asks. " I am doing just fine and you?" she asked him. " Everything, is good I was just going to work now. " he replies. " Oh great, well see you for dinner tomorrow." she says and goes to the queue. 

Bossy Media

Becky: If it isn't Cookie Lyon.
She says rolling her eyes.
Cookie: Is something wrong with your eyes?
Becky: How could you leave us here alone with all this work?
Cookie: I'm trying to teach you to be independent.
Porsha: No, you just wanted to spend time with that guy.
Cookie: He is my boyfriend not some guy.

She says walking to her office.
Porsha and Becky looked back and forth and ran into her office.
Cookie: I just came back to work girls. Give me a break.
She says sitting down and opening her laptop.
Porsha: When did he become your boyfriend?
Cookie: He asked me a week ago and I said yes.
Porsha: So no more Cooscious.
Cookie: No more ...
Just then Lucious calls her.
Becky saw the caller ID and smiled.

He is always going to keep on coming back into your life. Porsha, let's leave Cooscious alone to talk.

Cookie sighed and picked the call.
It was silent for a while until he decided to talk.

Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Cookie are you okay?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: I'm fine, how are you?
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: I'm doing quite good.
Ex Wifey🔥 😊:  Okay that's great.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Hmm, what is going on?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Nothing, I just came back to Bossy after a week break.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Why didn't you call me or answer my calls?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Do I have to talk to you every day.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Yes, do you remember? The night before I left you said to call you every day.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: We haven't talked about that night since that night.

Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: I kept my promise of calling but you didn't answer. Why?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: No reason, I just needed some me time.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: It's always You, you and you, Cookie. I was worried about you.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: You don't have to worry about me. I'm not your wife anymore.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: That's true but I love you. Isn't that reason enough?
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Lucious I have to go back to work.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Something happened and that's why you are acting indifferent with me. I'm going to find out. Have a nice day.
He dropped the call.

Cookie sighed.
It's not his fault you have a boyfriend. You were really mean to him.
She called him back.

Ex Wifey 🔥😊: I'm sorry my baby.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: I don't forgive you.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: I will cry, cry and cry. If you don't forgive me.
She says like a baby.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: Stupid ass, I forgive you. I was just worried.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Thank you for worrying dear. I'm doing good.
Ex Hubbie 🥺❣️: I'll call you later.
Ex Wifey 🔥😊: Bye.
They cut the call.

Cookie continues her work and does the show. She goes back home to get dressed for the dinner. Hakeem and Maya were having dinner with Andre at a restaurant.

Hakeem: Hey big brother.
Andre: How are you doing?
Hakeem: I'm fine.
Andre: Beautiful sister in law what about you?
Maya smiles and answers.
Maya: I'm great. How about you?
Andre: I'm taking life a step at a time. I miss my wife and my sons.
Hakeem: Everything will be fine.
Maya: Just keep believing in God.
They order and start to eat. They call Jamal and also talk to him and Kia.

Candace's House
Cookie knocked on the door and Candace open the door for her. They peaked each other's cheeks and Cookie entered. Carol was already there sitted with Marcus.

Cookie: I am going to be in the midst of yal and your men.
Carol: You should invite Alexander.
Cookie: Nope, he had a very long surgery. He needs to sleep.
Candace: Isn't she the best girlfriend in the world?
She says teasing her young sister.
Carol: Yeah yeah.

Cookie goes to hug Morris and Marcus. She talks to them a little bit in the kitchen while the other sisters are in the living room. " How did you two fellas fall for my sisters?" Cookie asks. " Candace and I started with tough love. She cursed me out and I was like damn. I thought she was fake but eventually I saw past all the bouchie stuff." Morris says sipping some whiskey. " I liked Carol because she's brutally honest. She says it like she sees it and I work with people who act fake. So I just appreciated it." Marcus says. " Well, fellas yal still have time to run. They are crazy bitches." Cookie sighs. Both men laugh and say that they like them that way.

Living Room
Carol: What do you think they are talking about?
Candace: Obviously us.
Carol: I don't want Cookie saying some shit about me.
Candace: Shut up, Cookie won't do that.
Carol: I'mma go there.

Candace rolled her eyes and just sat down looking at her phone.Cookie came and sat down beside her. She hugged her tight.

Cookie: Morris loves you a lot. I'm so happy for you.
Candace: Thank you sis.
Cookie: Make sure you give him a gift tonight. He has impressed me.
She says winking. Candace shakes her head.

Cookie: I'm super serious.
Candace: I will do that don't worry.
Carol comes back and Cookie also tell her that she likes Marcus.
Cookie: He is such a sweet man. I don't know what he sees in your crazy ass.
Carol: Candace, I said she would say some shit.

Cookie was laughing.
Cookie: I'm joking alright. You girls have found true love. It makes me so happy that I want to dance.
Carol: Uhh, don't do nonsense here.
Candace: How is Alexander?
Cookie: He is doing alright. We woke up together today.
Carol: Did you...
Cookie: Shut up, we didn't have sex. Your dream got me scared, it's not possible but I just wanna be careful.
Candace: Hmm, how about the other one? Does he know about Alex?
Cookie: Hell naw, I'm not telling him about Alex. He would fly over here now.
Carol: Well, let's see how it goes with Alex.
They go to the dinning table, eat and joke around.

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Finally updated since Sept 2nd😩.

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