Senna sounded sad, worried. Julia just nodded and sat back, resting her bum on her feet as she was still kneeling.

"I think I'm just... sad."

Her sister nodded in response as she continued to rub Julia's back. She moved closer to her to lay her head on Julia's shoulder.

"That's totally normal."

"It's pathetic. I should be over him."

"It's been two weeks. You were in love, Jules. Give it time."

"Since when are you good at love?" Julia chuckled and turned her head to look at her sister. "You've only dated two people of which one relationship is serious."

Senna laughed too and nodded. "But," she defended herself, "I know I'd be fucking broken if she broke up with me."

"Or even cheated," Julia added, looking down at the toilet, quickly flushing.

"Then I'd simply beat her up."

The corner of Julia's mouth went up as she smiled at the comment. She couldn't even imagine beating Dom up. Although it was something she really wanted to do. She was sure it would help her getting over him: to see him in pain as well.

"I'll make soup for you," Senna decided as she stood up and held out her hands to help Julia up as well. Julia swallowed once more just to check if she was ready to leave the bathroom, but then took her sister's hands and followed her to the kitchen.

They talked, a lot. Especially Senna did but Julia too as she avoided eating as much as she could. In the end she was eating cold soup. But it was better than nothing.

Or so she thought because after just a few bites she got the same sick feeling again. She didn't even hestitate before standing up and running to the toilet, Senna following right behind.

"Not the soup I spent hours on," she heard her sister say, making her laugh despite feeling terrible.

"I'm sorry," Julia mumbled in response, gripping the sides of the toilet harshly.

"It's- Wait."

It was silent as Senna seemed to think, leaning against the doorway.

"Remember what you said two weeks ago? About your period being late?"

"Sen," Julia interrupted her sister immediately, shaking her head.

"Did you get your period yet?" Senna went on, sounding very serious.

"Senna I-"

"Did you?"

"No I didn't. But I-"

"Oh my god," Senna gasped, causing Julia to roll her eyes. "You should get tested."

Julia shook her head quickly. "Not necessary. As I said, I'm just sad. That's all."

"But it's possible! What if there is something going on?"

"'Something going on' is just me being sad and-"

"Hang on," Senna didn't let Julia finish and before she could argue again, her sister left the bathroom. Julia groaned and sat down on the floor, her back against the cold wall. It couldn't be possible. It just couldn't be, in any way.

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