Chapter 1: Another Metzger?

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Quick A/N: (once you get a few paragraphs further this will make more sense) don't worry their mom is not pregnant so don't stop reading because you think that she is..... ok anyways... continue on with your reading...

August 1, 2014

Jack's POV

My eyelids closed, becoming an opaque blanket that separated the darkness and sunlight. It was silent only for a moment before I began to lightly nod my head to another upbeat song that began blasting in my earbuds. Suddenly, a hand swiped across the back of my head, interrupting my thoughts while also causing one of my earbuds to fall out.

As I looked behind me, trying to find the owner of the large hand that had disrupted my music, my eyes landed on my brother, Ryan, who quickly said, "Jack, didn't you hear mom calling for us?" I stared at him blankly for a few moments, attempting to understand what was happening in the surrounding world, rather than the music heaven that I was still partially focused on.

"Boys, are you coming? We have some big news," our dad yelled from another room in the apartment. Ryan ran out of our shared room, his bare feet pattering on the cool, wooden floorboards as he went while I followed closely behind.

We were met by both of my parents in the living room and my older brother, Adam, sitting across from them. We sat besides him while our dad adjusted his glasses before taking a deep breath, "Boys, your mother and I have some big news and we hope you will accept and understand the decision we've made." My eyes widened with the fear that one of our parents were sick or that there was a death in the family.

"Relax, it's not bad news... It will be good for our family," my mom said smiling reassuringly. Although I noticed that the the smile didn't reached her eyes like it normally did. It was almost as if the bottom half of her face was happy but the top half was worried or anxious.

"What is it?" Adam asked curiously.

My dad fiddled with his glasses in his hands before saying, "You boys are going to have another brother or sister."

My jaw dropped and left my mouth hanging open. I looked beside me and found that my brothers' reactions were the same. I could barely find the words to say, "Mom's pregnant?!"

Adam suddenly found his voice and added, "But I'm 23! That's gonna be a 23 year difference between me and the new kid!"

"Boys, calm down," my mom quickly interjected, "I am not pregnant! We are going to adopt a child."

Silence filled the room until my dad said, "You boys have been gone a lot with your tour-"

"But we just finished our tour," Adam interrupted.

Our dad gave him a slightly stern look for interrupting before continuing, "But there will be more tours. Anyways, as I was saying, you boys haven't been home very much anymore. Adam, you have your own apartment. Ryan, you have been very busy lately, and Jack, you're going to graduate this upcoming year. What I'm trying to say is that your mother and I have been having the empty nest syndrome... We thought that if we adopted another child we could make their life and also all of our lives so much better. Wouldn't you want that?"

My mom continued, with a persuasive tone, "You boys could have another member to your band, seeing as he or she would most likely be of the right age to help."

"How old do you think they will be?" I asked, feeling bad about my reaction earlier.

"We won't know until we meet the perfect child for our family. We were thinking of looking at children older than 10 but younger than 15," my dad said, smiling slightly at the thought of another child. I had so many questions floating around my mind that I couldn't choose one.

Ryan looked up from the piece string that he was fiddling with and said, "Where are you going to look?"

"We have looked online for orphanages nearby and we found one that looks very caring and quaint. I believe it's called Mrs. Well's Home for Orphans. We called to make an appointment and the woman was so nice to us," my mom said, recalling the experience, "All of us, including you boys, are going there on August 8. So we have a little bit over a week to talk more about it."

Suddenly Adam said, "Sorry for how we reacted earlier, but I definitely respect your decision-"

Ryan interrupted him, "Yeah, it will be nice to have another sibling and maybe we can teach them about music-"

"And they could be in AJR with us!" I interrupted Ryan due to my sudden excitement.

"That's the spirit," our dad said smiling widely while putting his arm around our mom and hugging her.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all...


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So this is my new story and I hope you like it so far!

Sorry this is kinda short, the next update will be on the shorter side too but after that they get a lot longer

So comment what you think so far and don't be afraid to tell me if you find any mistakes! Also, I know this chapter is kinda bad and uninteresting, but the third chapter is when it'll really start getting interesting and hopefully my writing will improve.

Thanks for reading I hope you enjoy the rest!

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