Columbus mistake

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throughout 1400, Portugal led the other European countries in the race of exploration and foreign trade. They explore the coasts of Africa many years before Columbus was born.
The first successful sailor was Bartholomeu Dias, he sailed around the tip of Africa. They knew more about sailing the oceans than other seamen of that time.
Columbus tried to ask for funds to sail to Asia. They believe that he could reach Asia if he sailing west from Portugal. He estimate the distance to 4000 miles. The idea did not impress many of the geographers so his country turn him down.
Even Spaniards did not agree that he could reach Asia by sailing west. But finally Isabella the queen of Spain decided to give him a chance and funded him.
Her and her husband Ferdinand give young ambitious Columbus three ships. Also he was given the power that for Spain over any land he might discover on his way to Asia.
His first stop was Canary Islands, then on October 1492 he landed on one of Bahamas island and named it San Salvador which is exploring further. He sailed into Cuba then Haiti. At first he thought that one among the island he saw were today's Japan.
He made a great mistakes, already mentioned one in the first chapters of my work. Even after three more voyages, he still believed that China and Japan were just beyond the islands he discovered.
Columbus rest and died while he believes that he found a new route to Asia.
For the next 200 years other explorers sailed west believing that they will find the way to Asia. They were very thrilled with one thing that Columbus found on his Voyages, Gold.
Spain wanted Gold. Following Columbus maps they flocked the new lands. Also they were interested with the Treasures which was discovered by Columbus. They search gold in North and South America. Spain priests went to the new world too carrying their christian beliefs to the Indians.

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