new economy

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Steps in farming sector.
Asians who comes to America all come with about the same techniques of making tools and other things.  Even though hunting, fishing and gathering food was their major economy.
Around 5k years ago people of Mexico begun to farm. Also around that time people of Peru begun to grow their food too. New economic system based on agriculture begun to develop. The farms which they used to farm in high plateau mountains area produce good crops. More than what they need to support themselves and the population in those regions grows quickly. So they had enough work force. When Columbus reach New world's there were perhaps 15 million people living South of what is now United States. Only 1 million were living in North Mexico. Success in agriculture industry allows them to settle and calm down from moving around so they had more time to study their environment, think and plan their future in central and South America. Few groups, all able farmers develop rich cultures. Some of their achievements went all across Antlantic ocean into Europe.  Good reference is a great culture was developed 2k years ago by the people of Guantamala, Honduras and southern Mexico. These people, the Maya built splendid cities. Ruins of these cities are still standing today. Mayan people worked out the same system of numbers which was better than anything in the old world.
Spaniard arrived in the new world the Aztecs culture in Mexico was at its height. The Spanish conquer of Aztecs, Hernandez Cortez (remember the famous battle of Cortez.) described their capital city as most beautiful city in the world. However it was destroyed by the Spaniards about 200 years before Europeans appear in New world's.
Another great culture was flourishing in western South America Inca culture.  Inca was centered in present day Peru.
The Incas mastered the art of government and they ruled a huge empire stretched from what is now Ecuador to central Chile.
Fun fact is about the name Indians. We both remember that Columbus was on his way searching for India nation for spices. In 1492 when he saws new lands he believes that was the coasts of India that why he called those people who lives in the new world Indians. Later on Europeans use this name to all the people who lives in the new world. So this means that there is a little error in our history because if these people in the new world comes from North Eastern Asia, they must be either from Siberia, mongol or China. People of those countries are far different from real today Indians so Columbus did not know what to do or name to give those people and that's why he decided naming them the name of his dream destination Indian. People who lives there during that time when Columbus reach the new lands were different and had several major culture areas in North America. Yet those people Columbus called them Indians were different from each other just like people of France differ from people of Spain or Italy. So there was Different types of people that why I am claiming that they may be Siberians, mongol or Chinese.
Next time we will take a look in to two tribes as a reference, who were very successful and they even do things that still the world do today.
IROQUOIS who to me are the fathers of unity and also democracy and freedom of speech.
PUEBLOS who built first skyscraper in the old world and used to live there just like apartments but they only built three up to four stories only and also they were working on team and unity too.
Until next time. I love you guys plz rate.

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