Norsemen & Vinland.

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These are the Scandinavian people. They come from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. They were once in a history great sailors of Europe. They reached Iceland before 870 and reached Greenland about 985.
On 1000 a small group of Norsemen set sail from Greenland now search for the new land. Their leader was Leif Ericsson, he and his group stopped at more than one place off the coast of North America and he called the land he discovered Vinland.
Lord Leif left no maps or report to show what he found. He only keep the story of his discovery alive through oral way among Scandinavians about 1250 of his oral stories were far later written down they called the sagas. Most of the scholars today believe that sagas about Vinland were only myths.
During 1960 evidence was found that prove Vikings explorers reached new lands.
Several of their buildings were found in the northern coast of vinland among two of them were great house just like those they built in Greenland. Radio carbon dating of them show that they were built between 800 and 1000 years ago.
According to sagas lord Leif Ericsson spent few months in Vinland attempt to build permanent colony there however it failed no one know why's,  maybe if you will read those sagas which we call myths you will know why.
This time Columbus knows nothing about the Vinland.
At that time when lord Leif discover the Company Europe was not ready for new lands, only Scandinavian people were interested. Until 1492 Europeans change the way they think about the new lands.
When lord Leif sailed to Vinland Europe was divided into many small territories each of them had it king.
But with the help from merchants Europeans kings started to become more powerful. Rich merchants wanted powerful leaders to help them build foreign trades.
So the merchants supplies kings with money and support and kings used those supplies to raise army and try to unite their small kingdoms with other kingdoms, but those United Kingdoms were lead by the strongest king who has better army, those who never join the strongest kingdom were forced by armies to join him.
No soon they form several nations in Europe and nation with best and good army was superior of the rest and it has its own way of leadership even though it was mornach way but they had somehow best rulling government.
By the mid of year 1400, there were several strong nations in Europe. And they afford to pay voyages of exploration, hoping those voyages will bring them more wealth and power in form of slaves and land as their colony.

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