deep look on tribes

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11. Well today we will take a deep look on two tribes as a reference of their success culturally, economically and socialy. The two tribes are.  One is Iroquois people from woodlands and Pueblos people who lives in the desert.

these are people from Eastern woodland. It was one of the major Indian society. Just like others their economy was mostly based in hunting and fishing. Women raised crops like corns,  pumpkins, squash and tobacco. Like other Eastern woodlanders these people lives in the villages. They had much game so they did not travel and moved around much for searching for game.
Socially structure was like women lead the family all the children who were born bear the greatest grandmother name one the family. It was woman who married and not a man. Women would marry men and bring them in their own houses and families.
Their houses were 100 feet long and 20 feet wide. Three families would share one house and each had it's own apartment where they kept their valuable things like, bows, arrows, bright feathers, strings of beads and tanned deer skin ready to make shirts and shoes. Even though it was a woman who leads the family and marry a man, but still it was a man who leads the whole village as a chief(sachem this is the name of the village leader). He was elected by the members of the village.
About year 1570, five nations of Iroquois joined together and form a nation, called the league of five nations. All people of the league lives 22 the same way and speak the same language. This league was the strongest league in the northern of Mexico. The league was rolled by the council of Sachems. Each tribe sent a fixed number of sachems. Sachems were elected in each village of each nation.
Council job was to govern the league. All the meetings of the league were well attended. Messengers took news of the meetings to various nations. In those meetings there was freedom of speech and everyone was allowed to talk what they think. It was the first form of democracy in the world and it was practice since year 1570, while many other nations rolled by mornach this tribe already was living in the future by electing their leader and also form what I believe to be the first union. So these are the examples of the fallen wonderful Era of the world, that many things which we are doing today our ancestors did most of them far back in time.
Next time we will talk about Pueblos, and their major achievements in their culture.

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