Chapter Seventeen

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(Ha you thought it was over- jkjk)

It had been a few weeks ever since Mika had returned to HQ from being captured by her father and brother. She and Mao Mao had sorted things out, and he had forgiven her for lying.

Everything seemed perfect. Mika, Badgerclops, Adorabat, Tanya, and Mao Mao hung out every day, laughing and making jokes, and life finally seemed to be on the right track.

But Mika still couldn't stop thinking about Asher. Where was he? Was he coming to get her somewhere? Was he already here, watching for her? Mika hadn't heard or thought about her ex boyfriend in so long, she'd forgotten how much it hurt her to think about him.

She had always felt guilty for breaking up with him, but she fell out of love with him. It wasn't him, it was her. I mean, Mika had to tell him sometime... didn't she? I mean, she could be in a relationship with someone she didn't like, or love in that way.. could she?

As for her father and brother, she had expected to feel at least a little sad that she'd killed them, since they were in fact her family. But she only felt freer, and more able to be herself.

And having Mao Mao around her every moment of every day made her feel better too. She was planning on confessing her feelings towards him soon, but she didn't know where and when. But she wanted to do it as soon as possible.

Mika stepped outside to get some fresh air. The cool breeze blew softly against her fur. She took a big inhale, and let it out. She had so many things on her mind right now, her parents, Asher, her feelings towards Mao Mao, Mao Mao himself, her friendship with Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Tanya...

Mika knew that eventually everything would be sorted out and her life would be right on track again. Just as it seemed to be now. Everything wrong would be righted, and life would work out.

Mika heard the door open and close behind her, and Mao Mao walked out and stood next to her. "I heard someone go out here," he said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Mika smiled at him and they both looked out at the sun, that was slowly setting, orange and pink colors lining the horizon. "Pure Heart Valley sure is beautiful, isn't it?" Mao Mao asked, turning to Mika.

Mika nodded, her eyes transfixed on the sunset. "It's the most beautiful town I've ever seen," she said softly. Birds seemed to be chirping goodnight to one another as night began to fall. Fluffy, white clouds faded into the dark sky, making way for bright, sparkling stars.

As the sunset went down all the way into the horizon, the darkness took over the whole sky, tiny stars glittering up above. Her mom had taught her about stars before. And how they sometimes formed constellations. She had always been fascinated by them.

Silence fell throughout the trees, and all Mika and Mao Mao could hear were the crickets playing their music. The silence between Mao Mao and Mika seemed like the perfect opportunity to confess, but Mika didn't know where to start.

"Hey Mao Mao-" she asked at the same time Mao Mao said: "Mika-"

"Oh, um, sorry," Mika said nervously. "You can go first." Mao Mao shook his head. "No, you go first. I'm sure what you have to say is more important than what I do." He told her.

Mika cleared her throat. "I- uh- I'm not um.. as good with words, as... some people are, so I don't really know how to say this," Mika began. "There's uh- something I've been wanting to tell you."

Mika caught Mao Mao's eye. Mao Mao was looking at her curiously. "I do too," he said, staring into her eyes. "I- uh-" Mika stuttered nervously. What if he doesn't like me back? What if this just makes it really awkward for the rest of our lives? Mika worried. "What I'm trying to say is-"

Mika took a deep breath. "I-I like you," She blurted. Mao Mao's eyes widened. "You mean as a friend?" He asked. Mika didn't know how to respond to that. Should I say no? Should I say yes? Which one would create less awkwardness?

"U-um, no, I- um- like-like you. "You know... I love you.." Mika clarified, trailing off awkwardly. She didn't exactly want to see Mao Mao's reaction. She expected him to say something like: "I'm sorry, I don't feel the same way." or "that's weird, and now there's this awkwardness between us now."

But she least expected him to say what he said next: "I love you too."

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