Chapter Three

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"Are you suuuuure I can't come, Badgerclops?" Mika complained, sitting on the couch. The monster alarm was blaring, and the team was preparing to leave. "Yes I am," Badgerclops told her strictly. "Your ankle is getting better, but it will get worse if you're outside fighting with us." Mika rolled her eyes. "Don't worry Mika," Adorabat said, flying up to her. "You'll be up and fighting with us in no time!" Mao Mao came up beside Badgerclops. "Remember Adorabat, Mika might not be staying with us once her ankle heals," he reminded her, doing a quick clean of his golden katana.

"Awwww.." Adorabat whined, wings drooping. "But, there's still a chance I might stay," Mika added, glancing at Mao Mao. Adorabat's face brightened a little, and she gave a little flap of her wings. "Alright, we better go," Mao Mao said, hopping off of the couch. Badgerclops nodded and stood up while Adorabat hovered in the air next to him. "Oh and before we go," Badgerclops said, turning and grabbing something behind him. "Here's some crutches I made for you. In case you need to get around and stuff."

"Thanks," Mika said as Badgerclops handed her the crutches. "See you when we get back, Mika!" Adorabat called cheerfully, flying out the door. "Peace," Badgerclops said, walking out behind her. "Take care of yourself," Mao Mao told Mika.

"I will," Mika reassured him. Mao Mao smiled and turned around, his red cape  flowing behind him as he walked out the door behind his team. Several minutes later, there was knock on the door. Mika got up and limped towards the front door. She opened it slowly to see who it was. She recognized the figure as Mao Mao. "Mao Mao? Are you guys back?" Mika asked, opening the door more. "Um, who are you?" Mao Mao asked. Mika sighed. "Is this a joke?" She asked, an eyebrow raised and leaning on the door frame.

"Um... yes?" Mao Mao said, giggling nervously. Mika peeked out beside him. "Where are Badgerclops and Adorabat?" She asked him. "Weren't they with you?" Mao Mao scratched his neck nervously. Something was up with him. "You okay?" Mika asked. "Y-yes. I-I'm fine," Mao Mao answered, not making eye contact with her. Mika snorted disbelievingly. "Come inside," She told him, opening the door for him. Mao Mao walked in hesitantly.

Mao Mao went and sat on the couch and Mika followed after shutting the door. "You sure you're okay? You look really... anxious." Mika observed, scanning him. Mao Mao's eyes were darting around nervously, as if hiding something. Mika sat down beside him. "I-" Suddenly the door opened and Badgerclops, Adorabat walked in. And... Mao Mao?

 Mika blinked in confusion, her eyes darting back and forth between the two Mao Mao's. Badgerclops and Adorabat seemed to be pretty confused too. Then Adorabat piped: "Tanya! Is that you?" 

The Mao Mao sitting next to her grinned and did a quick flip off the couch, landing as a pinkish red tanuki with turquoise eyes. She had black fur on her ears, circular patches around her eyes, her arms, feet, and the tip of her tail, as well as a white muzzle and chest fur. She had a small light green cape tied around her neck to resemble a scarf, similar to Mika's.

"You got it kid!" The tanuki said, putting her hands on her hips. Adorabat gasped. "Yay!" She squealed, flying over and landing on the tanuki's shoulder. "Hey there, Mittens," the tanuki said, waving. Mao Mao didn't seem happy at all, in fact, he looked rather annoyed. "You think you can just come back after trying to take Badgerclops and turn him in for what? A bounty?" He snorted, folding his arms.

"Aww come on, man! The past is the past, get over it," Badgerclops told him, coming over and hugging the tanuki. Mika just stared in confusion. "I'm sorry to interrupt but uh.. who is this?" She asked. The tanuki squeezed out of Badgerclops' hold and held out a hand to Mika. "The name's Tanya Keys," she said. Mika smiled, taking her hand. "I'm Mikaaa!" Mika said in surprise as Tanya pulled her up beside her. 

"So what are you doing here?" Adorabat asked, flying off Tanya's shoulder and landing on the coffee table. "Eh, I was bored. There wasn't any bounties to cash in around this area, and I didn't feel like traveling this week so..." Tanya replied, sitting back down on the couch, bring Mika down with her. 

Mao Mao was still hanging back, looking at Tanya in annoyance. "Aww cheer up Mittens! You know I wasn't actually going to give your little friend here to someone for a bounty! I just wanted to mess with you a little," Tanya said, noticing Mao Mao's glare. "You call him Mittens?" Mika asked. Tanya nodded. "I mean look, his hands look like little mittens! Well, he wears those red things over them, but still." She told Mika.

Mika giggled. Mao Mao rolled his eyes. "They're called gloves," He sneered. Badgerclops sighed. "Cheer up, dude! You keep grudges too long." He told Mao Mao. "Yeah!" Adorabat added, flying up and landing on Mao Mao's head. Mao Mao scowled before nodding. "Fine," he sighed. 

"Great! Now I heard that there's a festival going on in town today and I got us all tickets," Tanya said, pulling five golden tickets out of her pocket. Adorabat's eyes glowed. "Yay!" She squeaked, flying over and taking one of the golden tickets. Badgerclops snatched one up too, while Tanya handed two of the tickets to Mao Mao and Mika.

"Wait... how did you know there were five of us? Or- how did you know I was here?" Mika asked. Tanya shrugged. "Just a hunch," she said, winking.

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