Chapter Twelve

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It was the night after Mika and Mao Mao had fought. Mika felt numb. She hadn't moved from her bed in the last day. Badgerclops and Adorabat had knocked on her door, asking if she was okay, but Mika just told them to go away. Mao Mao's words had cut her deep, maybe he didn't mean to, and she knew he was probably hurting as much as she was. She wouldn't blame him. She couldn't blame him. It wasn't his fault.

It was her's.

And her's alone.

Suddenly something shattered in the hallway and Mika's ears pricked. What was that? She thought, hopping out of bed. Ignoring her hurt, she went to investigate. She creaked open the door cautiously, poking her head out. Mao Mao was inside the living room. I guess he heard it too. Makes sense, cat ears are really precise when it comes to hearing.

Mika wasn't sure whether Mao Mao would appreciate her going out with him. If she had to guess, he was still upset with her. Suddenly something else shattered farther down the hallway and Mao Mao dashed towards the noise in a heartbeat, his golden katana in hand.

Mika shivered, suddenly cold. Dread flowed into her heart, her mind immediately going to one conclusion. My family. They've come for me. She opened the door, and chased after Mao Mao, knowing they would surely question him. As she had guessed, her dad (a white tom with a black tail and shimmering golden eyes) was holding Mao Mao against the wall, while her brother, Leo (a black tom with baby blue eyes), was keeping him from fighting back.

"Where is she." Mika's father demanded, stomping his hind paw. "I-I don't know who you're talking about," Mao Mao choked out, clearly struggling to free himself from Leo and her father's grasp. "Yes, you do. She's here." Her father hissed. Mika knew she could let Mao Mao keep struggling. She knew what she had to do.

She stepped out from behind the corner, sliding her silver katana out of her cape with a shing. "Hey! Looking for me?" Mika snarled. Her father and brother whipped around in her direction, eyes flaming with rage. "Well come and get me!" Her father lunged forward, prepared to injure Mika if he had to.

Mika jumped up and slid below him, rolling to a smooth stop back on her hind paws. While her father was momentarily shocked, Leo pushed Mao Mao to the ground and ran towards her, hissing with fury. Mao Mao yelped with surprise and his eyes widened as he fell to the ground, landing in an awkward position with a yelp of pain.

Mika snarled, a flaming fire of rage forming inside of her. She ran towards Mao Mao. Leo lunged for Mika, but she sliced his eye as he extended his claws. Leo yowled in pain, and backed away. "Mao Mao come on, we have to go," She told him, helping him up with a black paw. "Mika, who-"

"No time. I'll explain later." Mika interrupted, grabbing Mao Mao's hand and running forwards, dodging her father's attempt to stop them. She dashed towards the front door, when somebody suddenly blocked the exit. Mika yelped with surprise, and let go of Mao Mao's hand.

Mika recognized the smoky gray fur of the arms almost instantly. Oh no. She thought with horror. Not him too! Of course my family would bring him. She thought with a snarl. "Asher!" She snarled. "Let me go!"

"You aren't going anywhere sweetie," Asher hissed. "You got away from me once, and I'm not letting you go again."

Asher tossed Mika to the ground and into Leo's hands, which were suddenly behind her. Ugh! I have to get free! Mika told herself, growling. "Hey! Let her go!" Mao Mao hissed furiously. "What do you even want with her anyways?"

"We want her where she belongs," Mika's father snarled, walking up beside Mao Mao. "She ran away from us without permission, and she deserves punishment." Mika struggled in Leo's arms as her father approached her. "You're coming with us." He said, holding Mao Mao by his cape so he couldn't move.

"What makes you think I woulmmmff!" Mika began to say, but her father wrapped a cloth around her mouth and nose, keeping her from speaking. Mika's struggles began to weaken, and her eyes began to become very difficult to keep her eyes open and stay conscious.

"Mika!" Mao Mao screamed, struggling furiously. "I'll save you I just have too.." Mao Mao's mouth was still moving but Mika couldn't hear anything. She tried desperately to keep her eyes open, and struggle to get free. Mika shut her eyes, feeling weak and helpless and her whole world was enveloped in darkness and cold shadows.

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