Chapter Fifteen

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Mika slashed the monster below her. The monster was ginger with gray, shining claws that sparkled in the bright sunlight. It had a similar colored gray snout with razor sharp teeth. It hissed in fury, and whipped it's tail towards her, attempting to trip her. Mika successfully dodged and sliced the tail off of her opponent.

The monster screeched in pain and let out a few whimpers before turning towards Mika, eyes burning with fury and hatred. Mika smothered a snort. This monster sure thinks it can win. Even though it's already clearly lost.

With smooth movements, Mika sliced the monster's head off and landed victoriously, sliding her katana back into it's pouch.

That sure was an exercise. Mika thought with a huff. Well, no time to dwell on it. I have to get back to Pure Heart Valley as soon as possible. Mika hopped across some rocks that formed a sort of pathway across a short river.

When she reached the end, she was certain that the Pure Heart Spire has gotten relatively closer. Her heart gave a little bounce. The thought of seeing Mao Mao again made her heart alight with joy.

The thought of seeing Mao Mao again only made her more determined. Mika ran forwards, leaving the monster's corpse behind. Mika had been traveling for about a day already. Leo said I had been out for a couple days. So hopefully I only have a day left. But... suppose he was lying and I had actually been out for longer? Mika wondered, looking around at the sunlit forest around her.

Suddenly she approached a tall mountain. Hey... I recognize this mountain.. Mika thought, looking up. She gave a little bounce of excitement. This is the mountain that I climbed up to fight the Sky Pirates! That means I'm close!

Mika turned to the right a little, and just as she suspected, Pure Heart Valley was sitting right there. It seemed to be calling her forward, beckoning her to go back to the Sheriff's Department where her heart truly lie. Where Mao Mao was keeping her heart.

Mika let out a triumphant wail and dashed forwards towards Pure Heart Valley. Stay strong Mao Mao... I'm coming.

. . .

Mao Mao padded back into the Sheriff's Department, followed by Badgerclops and Adorabat. "Hey Mao Mao?" Badgerclops asked, turning towards him. Mao Mao turned, an eye brow raised. "Yeah?"

"Wanna play video games with me? It'll help take your mind off... things." Badgerclops told him, putting a claw hand on Mao Mao's shoulder.

"Sure," Mao Mao replied.

. . .

Mika approached Town Square. Memories came flooding back, Mika and Mao Mao laughing and having fun at the festival. The festival things had already been cleaned up, but sweetie pies were still bounding about, cheerfully playing tag.

Mika took a deep breath and headed towards the Sheriff's Department.

She climbed up the cliff to get to HQ, and when she finally made it all the way up, she looked up at the view. HQ was quite big, as it could fit about 10 people, judging by how many guest rooms they had.

Mika walked up to the front door, took a deep breath, and knocked.

. . .

Mao Mao's ears pricked as there was a knock on the door. "I'm gonna go to the balcony. Call if you need me." Mao Mao said, not really wanting to see anybody other than Badgerclops or Adorabat, and even Tanya. He hopped up and headed towards the balcony door. Badgerclops sat up and set down his remote controller. "Okay, I'll get it!" He called in Mao Mao's direction, walking towards the door.

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