Chapter One

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Mika Whiskers wandered through the bright forest. Sunlight shone through the canopy, sending trickles of light flowing down. She had ran away from home only a few days ago, and she was already finding life much better when she didn't have her bossy, toxic family around her all the time.

Suddenly, the ground below her seemed like it cut off abruptly. Mika walked forwards slowly, to see she was standing on a wide open cliff. Down below was a town, with a ginormous heart a little ways after. A castle stood right below the heart.

Interesting... Mika thought. Whatever this place is... I don't think I've heard of it. Suddenly she spotted a huge flying pirate ship floating towards the heart. I recognize that ship... it's the Sky Pirates! Back at again huh, Orangusnake, Ramaraffe, Ratarang, and Boss Hosstrich? She thought. Welp, whatever they're doing, it most likely is not a good thing. She jumped down, using her katana to slide down the cliff. Mika landed safely on the ground, and began to dash towards the Sky Pirate's ship.

When she reached the ship, she noticed a mountain just to the left.

Ha! Perfect! She thought, running towards it. She climbed it until she was perfectly level with the ship, and prepared to leap. She jumped, her light blue miniature cape flowing in the wind. She landed squarely on the edge of the ship, accidentally landing wrong on her ankle, causing her to collapse onto the floor. Oh fiddlesticks. I can't fight with an injured ankle! She sat up and scooted closer to where the Sky Pirates were meeting.

"What are we gonna do once we get the Ruby Pure Heart boss?" One of the Sky Pirates asked. "We'll do whatever we want!" Orangusnake retorted. Suddenly, Mika let out a loud wince as she accidentally bonked her ankle on one of the stray boxes lying around on the deck. All the Sky Pirates' eyes were on her.

"Oh, if it isn't little Whiskers," Orangusnake taunted, walking up to her.

"Oh, if it isn't Mr. Orangustank!" Mika mimicked. "Ha, ha, ha," Orangusnake hissed. Suddenly, a flying motorcycle flew in out of nowhere and landed with a thud on the Sky Pirate's Ship. A black cat with a red cape, crimson gloves and knee protectors, emerald-green eyes and no tail visible hopped off, holding a katana similar to Mika's, but golden instead of silver.

A badger with a robotic arm hopped off after him, and a small blue bat with big yellow eyes and peg leg followed.

Who are those guys? Mika thought. I've never seen them around before... Suddenly, Orangusnake caught her attention again.

"Aww come on! Why do you guys always show up right when we have a new plan?" He complained, narrowing his yellow eyes. "Well, Orangusnake, we have this thing called the Monster Alarm," The black cat explained. Not much to Mika's surprise, his voice was deep. "Adorabat, Badgerclops! You know what to do," The black cat told his team. The blue bat and badger nodded, both spreading out in different directions.

"Hey! Long necky! How about another game of Catch Me?" The blue bat squeaked. "Hey! The name's Ramaraffe!" Ramaraffe shouted, beginning to chase the little bat all around the ship with her neck.

The badger ran over to fight Boss Hosstrich, while the black cat faced off with Orangusnake. Ratarang walked over to where Mika was laying. "Back off, you rat thing!" Mika snarled, grabbing her katana. She tried to knock him away, but her injured ankle kept her from moving very far.

Ratarang snatched her katana away from her, and slid it all the way across the ship. No! Mika thought with horror.

Ratarang lunged for her, but Mika quickly rolled away, landing right at the edge of the ship. Ratarang got up from the floor, and began to walk towards her. "Come 'ere you little pest!" He sneered. Mika began to scoot backwards, away from him.

Suddenly the ground seemed to disappear under her front paws as she tipped off the edge. She shrieked and grabbed the edge of the ship before she fell all the way off. "Say goodbye missy~" Ratarang taunted, about to push her hand off the edge. Mika's eyes were wide in fear and expected that she was about to fall to her death.

Suddenly, the black feline with red battle armor came up from behind Ratarang and shoved him across the ship with his katana. He held out a gloved hand for Mika. "Grab on!" He ordered. Mika reached forward and grabbed his hand. The black cat pulled her up with ease. Mika was impressed at his strength. He had most likely been fighting for much longer than she had been.

When Mika was safely on the ship again, the black cat turned. "Adorabat, Badgerclops? You done over there?" He called. The blue bat had tangled up Ramaraffe's neck. She looked down at his head. "You're asleep now!" She said cheerfully. Then she turned and flew over to the black cat. "All done over here, Mao Mao!" She told him.

"Badgerclops?" The black cat asked. The badger had just finished blasting Boss Hosstrich with his robo arm, and was heading over to them. "All good over here, dude!" He replied. The cat nodded. Then he turned to Mika. "You okay?" He asked. Mika nodded. "Yeah, thanks," she said, dipping her head politely. "My name's Mao Mao. And these are my friends- and- um.. partners, Badgerclops," he said pointing to the badger. "and Adorabat." He finished, pointing at the small blue bat. Adorabat flew over and landed on Mika's shoulder.

"Are you new here? I haven't seen you around before," She squeaked. Mika shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. I'm a traveler, so I don't stay in the same places much," she lied. "Well, you won't be going anywhere else for a bit with that ankle of yours," Badgerclops put in. "I suggest we go back to HQ so I can take a closer look at it." He continued, turning to Mao Mao.

Mao Mao nodded. "I'll take her back to HQ first. I doubt my aerocycle could hold another person." He said. Badgerclops shrugged. "That's fine with me. Adorabat and I will just chill here until you come back," he told Mao Mao. "Yeah! And we'll kick the Sky Pirates' booties if they try to mess with us!" Adorabat squeaked, flying up and landing on Badgerclops' head. Mao Mao sighed. "Take care of yourselves," he told them strictly, beginning to help Mika stand up straight by supporting the side that her injured ankle was on.

Mao Mao helped Mika limp towards the aerocycle, and he heaved her up onto the seat. He then hopped on in front of her, and almost instantly a helmet materialized on top of his head, fitting perfectly over his face and ears. "Umm.. you can hold onto me, I guess." Mao Mao told her, setting his hands on the handlebars. Mika nodded and carefully wrapped her arms around his torso. For some reason, it felt oddly relieving having someone to hold on to. As they took off, Mika held on to him tighter, shutting her eyes.

After what seemed like only a couple minutes, they had reached HQ. Mao Mao landed the aerocycle right outside. He carefully hopped off and began to help Mika get off as well. As soon as Mao Mao and Mika were inside, he set her up on the couch. "Now, stay here until I return with Badgerclops and Adorabat." Mao Mao ordered. "And then Badgerclops will have a look at your ankle."

Mika nodded, lifting up her leg and rested her ankle on the coffee table. Just as Mao Mao turned to leave, Mika stopped him. "Hey, uh, Mao Mao?" She asked. Mao Mao turned, an eyebrow raised. "Yes?" He replied. "T-thanks for uh, saving my life back there. I really appreciate it." She said. Mao Mao dipped his head. "Just doing my job. By the way, I didn't catch your name?" He asked.

"Oh! Where are my manners? My name's Mika. Mika Whiskers." Mika responded. "Pretty name," Mao Mao said under his breath. Mika smirked and smothered a giggle. He then walked out the door, closing the door behind him leaving Mika staring after him.

Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart - Love & LiesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu