Chapter Four

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Badgerclops, Adorabat, and Tanya piled onto the aerocycle while Mao Mao helped Mika limp over to it. "Are you sure your aerocycle can hold five people, Mao Mao?" Mika asked. Mao Mao shrugged. "I guess we'll see," he told her. Mao Mao helped Mika onto the aerocycle before hopping on in front of her. "Hold on!" He called before taking off.

Mika closed her eyes, as she wasn't used to flying. She felt fairly uncomfortable this high up, but Mao Mao's presence in front calmed her, and she trusted that he would get them safely where they were going. Adorabat crawled up from the back of the aerocycle and got up on Mika's shoulder. "You can open your eyes, you know!" She squeaked through the loud wind. "It's a really nice view from up here! I think you'd like it!"

Mika took a deep breath and opened one eye. "Woah," she breathed, looking down at the world underneath. There were trees everywhere, some taller than others. Rivers streamed through the trees, the light of the sun reflecting off of the water. The wind blew in her face, cooling her from the heat of the sun.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Mao Mao asked. "Yeah," Mika replied in awe. "I always knew the world was big... but I never imagined.. that it could ever be this big," The sky seemed to stretch on forever. Mika had this whole world in front of her that she had never seen. She couldn't believe her family had kept her from seeing all of this. Mika took a deep breath and took it all it while she still could.

. . .

"We're here!" Mao Mao said, landing his aerocycle near the entrance to the town square where the festival was taking place. Tanya hopped off first, followed by Badgerclops, and then Adorabat. Mao Mao hopped off and carefully helped Mika off the aerocycle.

"Okay, I'm gonna head over to the Spider. Anyone wanna come?" Tanya asked. "Count me in!" Badgerclops told her, walking over and standing beside her. "Alright!" Tanya said. "Meet back here in an hour!" Adorabat looked like she couldn't make up her mind. "I wanna come, but I don't want to leave Mika behind with her ankle still hurt..." Adorabat complained.

"You can go Adorabat," Mao Mao said. "I'll stay with Mika." Adorabat instantly brightened. She flew over and hugged him. "Thanks Mao Mao!" She squeaked, flying over to join Badgerclops and Tanya, who were already walking over to turn in their tickets. "So... should we go turn in our tickets?" Mao Mao asked, turning to Mika. "Yeah," Mika replied, grabbing her crutches from the back of the aerocycle.

Mao Mao took the lead as Mika limped after him. He turned in their tickets and walked through the gates. There were festival rides everywhere, consisting of the Spider, which Tanya, Badgerclops, and Adorabat were getting ready to ride, and a merry-go-round right across from it. Some Sweetie Pies were running around with some riding on the rides, and some playing the games. There was an arcade in the middle, with Sweetie Pies lined up at the door to go in and ferris wheel sat right behind it.

"What should we do first?" Mao Mao asked, looking around. "We could go on the ferris wheel! That seems like the ride that you would be least likely to hurt your ankle on." He suggested. Mika shrugged. "I don't know... I'm not that great at heights. I can barely keep myself together on your aerocycle!" She told him. "Aw, come on! It'll be fun! Plus, I'll be with you." Mao Mao reassured her, putting a gloved hand on her shoulder.

Mika smiled, looking into his green eyes. They were full of care. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Mika laughed. "That's the spirit!" Mao Mao exclaimed. They began to walk forwards. Mao Mao walked fast, but not so fast that Mika lost track of him.

As they approached the ride, the Sweetie Pie running the ferris wheel smiled at them. "Welcome, sheriff!" He called. "You here to ride?" Mao Mao nodded as Mika limped up beside him. "You sure your lady friend here is well enough to ride?" The Sweetie Pie asked. Mika nodded. "It's just a minor sprain. I can do without the crutches for the ride." She told him. The Sweetie Pie nodded and carefully took her crutches.

"I'll take care of them for you," The Sweetie Pie said. "Thanks," Mika replied, dipping her head. Mao Mao helped her walk over to one of the open seats and heaved her up. Mao Mao hopped on after her. "Are you ready?" The Sweetie Pie asked. Both Mika and Mao Mao nodded. "Here we go!" The Sweetie Pie said as he pressed down on a lever.

The ferris wheel almost immediately began to move. As their cart on the ferris wheel got higher, Mika began to feel a little nauseous. She took a deep breath and tried to keep herself together. If I can handle being on Mao Mao's aerocycle, I should be able to handle this. She told herself.

Mao Mao gently put his arm around her shoulders, and held her close to him. For some reason, the second she rested her head on his shoulder, her nervousness went away. She had this nagging feeling, a feeling... that she had never felt before. That she could trust someone. Trust someone with her life.

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