40 : TRY

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Ten days passed and the leaves of Seoul start to drift into snows. The people prepare their old jackets, new sweaters, and comforting gloves as the winter passes through their windows.

Winter is here.

And for those ten frigid days, Taehyung kept himself inside his hospital room. Sometimes, someone would visit him: Mr. Young, some of his men, sometimes Yoongi, and Jennie. It was honestly comforting whenever the door creaks and releases a person that he can talk to for a day.

It makes him feel like he's not alone. Never.

Mr. Young would always visit him with fruits and foods on his hands. The guard keeps blabbering about his day just so Taehyung wouldn't be tedious. Same goes for Mr. Young's men and Mr. Lee.

There's also Yoongi who unexpectedly walks inside his room, wearing a straight face. He would sometimes bring ice cream and talk to Taehyung. Taehyung finds it weird that he's visiting him however, the boy doesn't speak a word for he also enjoys the other's company. Although, Yoongi would be quiet and ask him a lot of questions about his health.

Next is Jennie, oh, Jennie is his favorite visitor. The girl will be here sometimes after school or when she's not busy ─ technically, everytime. She would have a lot of stories in her bag, would laugh with Taehyung, and sometimes she would lay her head on Taehyung's bed as she sleeps whilst he caresses her locks.

It's a beautiful moment to have her right by his side.

But, something bothers Taehyung.

Jisoo. The girl remains invisible on Taehyung's sight. She wouldn't visit him, nor call him to ask if he's okay. Frankly, it disappoints Taehyung.

But again, isn't he the one who pushed her away?

Taehyung sits up on his bed, looking around the quiet room. No one is still visiting him and it's getting kinda lonely. He trails his head down to his shaking hands, sighing loudly.

Taehyung could never ignore Jisoo for too long. After all, they're still friends. Even if his feelings for her ended.

Wait, did he really have feelings for her?

He shakes his head, trying to avoid the question. Taehyung throws his head back at the curulean wall. Licking his drying lips, he closes his eyes. Another thought enters his mind and it drains him even more.

You can never fall in love, right?

Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No.

He can't.

Taehyung has been suffering these different kinds of emotions and it strengthens his disease even more. His heart would clench a lot ─ sometimes its beat would be fast or slow. Sometimes, the medicines don't work anymore. Sometimes it did.

It's getting worse.

He knows his limitations and the rules of having this sordid disease. But he couldn't help himself. Everything that surrounds him is falling down and all he could hang to is the word, love.

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