13 - Out for Ice Cream

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Liberty's P.O.V

Once school had finished, me, Peter, Ned, Astrid and Oliver waited outside by the school bus stops for Becky to meet us so we could go to get ice cream. We were all still in a fair amount of pain from training last night, but we had all agreed to not complain too much, plus the pain had slightly started to numb as the day went on. A couple of minutes later Becky met us outside and we set off in the direction of the ice cream parlour.

We order our milkshakes/sundaes and sit at our usual table with a couple of extra chairs pulled up since we had Becky with us and usually Ned and sometimes Peter were at academic decathlon practice so they wouldn't usually be joining us.

"Has anyone started on that ridiculous Chemistry homework yet?" Astrid asked the group, Oliver groaned in reply.

"Ugh yes but it makes me miserable, why did Mr Cobwell have to set such a long and draining piece of work?!" He sighed, "this homework alone has made me hate chemistry with every cell in my body,"

Peter, Ned, Becky, Penny and I were all seniors at Midtown high, the year above Astrid, Oliver, Hunter and Max, who were all juniors still. Some people thought it was strange that we were all friends even though we were in different years, but to be entirely honest we didn't really care what they thought.

"Oh my god, Ned do you remember that one project that Warren set us in freshman year?" Peter laughed,

"Yeah! That was hands down the longest week of my entire life," Ned replied dramatically, making everyone, including Becky, laugh slightly.

Our orders arrived and we talked for what felt like hours until it was almost time for the sun to set. We finished our drinks and went our separate ways, apart from me and Becky who were walking in the same direction anyway. We said our farewells and began our walk home.

"How come you moved to this part of town?" I asked as we strolled along, our bags slung over our shoulders. This wasn't part of the plan at all, I was just genuinely curious, I knew what it was like to be suddenly thrust into a completely new life.

"Mom got transferred to Brooklyn for her job so we just thought it'd be easier if we moved rather than having to travel around for her work all the time," Becky replied, "I wasn't exactly happy about it at first but I'm glad Midtown is so welcoming,"

"Well, we try," I joked, "I know exactly how you feel, I only... erm... moved here just after the start of the last school year with my dad,"

"That's nice to know, I'm guessing you kind of know how I feel then," Becky speculated, all I could think was 'you have absolutely no idea'.

"I bet it's nice to have your dad around though, I never knew mine, mum said he died just before I was born..."

I could sense the sadness so I didn't pry any more, I knew what it was like to not have both parental figures in your life, even though I had known both of mine and had a short amount of time with both of them in my life simultaneously.

We continued walking until we reached near Becky's house and we split up, saying our farewells. As I walked on my lonesome it hit me, I unintentionally got exactly what I had planned on.

Becky didn't know her father.

She had no idea who he was.

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