1 - Teamwork

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Liberty's P.O.V

"Watch out, Penny!" I shouted as a large piece of rubble was launched towards my best friend as I watched her blue and gold rendition of her father's suit fly past me.  The creature that had thrown said piece of rubble was large and ugly, an alien we presumed, it had multiple eyes which we had identified on sight, we knew it wouldn't be easy getting rid of this one. I stared down the monster that had attempted to hurt one of my team members before starting to charge at the creature that had decided that today would be a good day to try destroying the very earth beneath my feet. July 4th, the date of my 17th birthday. Brilliant.

"Hey, guys," Max started, using the mechanical wings that Tony Stark had custom made for him and attached to his suit to survey everything that was happening and shoot at the creature from above. "Shouldn't we, ya know, be using our code names instead of our real ones?"

He was right, of course. It was risky for us to be using our civilian names whilst in our suits, it could blow our whole cover.

"You're right," Astrid said over the earpieces that Uncle Tony had also installed in each of our suits. As she spoke, she descended from the sky, as if having just jumped from a cloud that was racing across the sky. Of course, that was actually where she had just come from. Her armour almost glowed in the summer sun, the colours of gold and red, just like her father's had been.

"Okay," I replied, using my powers to send a ray of energy in one of the eyes of the alien, "Let's try and use the codenames from now on them, shall we?"

"Agreed," Everyone chorused together over the earpieces.

"Hey, we should name this guy," Astrid- I mean Thunderbird- suggested, making the whole team of us laugh slightly. 

"What should we call him do ya think?" Penny then said, you could feel the tension during the fight ease up a bit because of Astrid's comment.

"He looks to me like he could be a... Trevor!" Astrid finished, making us all laugh as we continued the battle.

"Yeah, yeah I'm down for calling him that," Hunter - erm - I mean Viper replied, a joking tone evident in his voice. "Hey, Owl Boy! See anything up there?" 

"How many times do I have to tell you Snake Boy, it's Owl, just Owl!" Max said as he circled the air above where we were fighting. "Hunter, I'm sure you do this to annoy..." he trailed off, which was very unusual for him, especially when it came to Hunter.

"Erm... guys..." Max murmured. He landed then to one side of the rest of us as we all fought the monster.

I stunned Trevor with a bigger beam of energy and turned around to see what Max/Owl was looking at, he seemed really concerned.

"I think Trevor has some friends," Max continued, causing everyone to turn around and look at exactly what Max was seeing. A whole herd of aliens of all shapes and sizes that looked kind of similar to our friend Trevor behind us who was beginning to come back to his sense again.

Hey, at least we had managed to lead them away from the cities and to this place. There was no civilisation for miles, all around us was some sort of desolate landscape.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Hunter exclaimed. 

"Viper! Language!" I replied, laughing as I spoke. I laughed because by this point we were all thinking that exact same phrase.

We continued fighting off Trevor and once we had done with him, we split up and began taking down the hoard of mini Trevors that were hurtling towards us at an alarming speed.

Over the earpieces, all we could hear were the broken sounds of our efforts to keep the team of us alive.

"Guys, I'm sending in a few," Oliver's voice came from the earpieces. Oliver wasn't fighting with us, per se, he was still at the Avengers base, probably watching us from Uncle Tony's screens, the control panel that he engineered with his father and Tony in his hands. 

As if on cue, a group of about 10 robot fighters landed around us, using their blasters and lasers to send Trevor's friends back to hell.

"Thanks, Olly," I replied, standing up and surveying the area.

Oliver, or Makeshift, as his codename was, used the gadgets that had been created by himself or any of the rest of the team in order to help the rest of the team fight the battles.  He did, however, usually fight alongside us in his suit, but he wanted to try out the fighter robots that he had finished working on with Uncle Tony. Looked like they worked.

"Eyo!" I heard another voice from over the earpieces and a familiar figure in a red, navy and gold suit land next to me. "Miss me?" I could feel him smirking, even from under the spider-logo covered suit.

"Just on time, Spider-man, do you think you could be useful and climb up that big rock and survey the opposite direction to me?" Owl asked, Spider-man nodded and began climbing the rock with ease.

"Owl," I said, putting my hand up to where my earpiece was in my suit, looking up to where Max was circling above us. "Owl, see anything up there?"

"Nothing we can't handle Cap," Max replied over the ear[ieces, and I could almost feel him smirking down on me.

The team had taken to calling me Cap since we had started up this new group on request of Director Fury. It was always either Cap or Captain Sparrow, and to be completely honest with you, the names were growing on me, but of course, I wasn't going to be letting the rest of the team know that. If I did, I'd never hear the end of it.

Then, as yet another team of alien creatures turned the corner and hurtled towards us at high speeds, Peter came down from his place on the rock as Max slowly hovered down to where we were on the ground.  As if we were all connected by one mind, everyone got into a stance, bracing themselves for the oncoming fight.

"Hey, Liberty," Peter started, standing right next to me in his stance.

"Yes, Pete?"

"Happy Birthday," He replied, the fight racing towards us.

I checked how far away the aliens were, they were close, but still far enough for me to quickly do something. I quickly got out of my stance and leant over, kissing Peter lightly on the cheek over his suit.

Then the fight began.

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