8 - Out With The Old, In With The New.

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Liberty's P.O.V

Fury looked between my dad and uncle Tony, each of them stepping forward, their postures straighter than before. They looked important, as they should be, but it was scary how together they looked like they could either save the world or destroy it, it was almost funny to me.

"We have some news," Dad started, looking over at Tony once he had finished,

"We, as a team, have decided that it is our turn to step down from being the Avengers," Tony continued, announcing something that, due to their looks at each other, the whole team apart from us had discussed and agreed on.

"What?!" We all seemed to say back in unison. They were stepping down as the Avengers, as the heroes that always protected the city from any danger that lurked in the near perimeter, ever since the battle of New York back in 2012. And they were just stepping down, just like that?!

"We've been debating it for a while, we feel like its time now," Aunt Nat replied, and I could see in her eyes that she was getting tired, she was wanting to start something new, turn a new leaf. 

"We'll still be here, we aren't disappearing completely or anything, we're just handing the legacy on," Dad then continued, that righteous Captain America look on his face as he looked back at the group of teenagers before him.

"Wait, what do you mean 'handing the legacy on'?" I questioned, wondering if what I was thinking was the same train of thought as the others.

"They're handing the Avengers Initiative legacy down to the 8 of you," Fury added, answering the lingering question that the 8 of us had on our minds. He then chuckled slightly as our faces turned to amazement.


They were handing it all down to us. 

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