7 - Explaining The Situation.

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Liberty's P.O.V

"We weren't trying to hurt anyone, I promise!" I tried to explain as everyone gathered around a desk to see what we had to say about the situation.

At one side there was Nat, Clint, Sam, and Rhodey, at the other was Thor, Bruce and Agent Hill (Maria, to me) to the centre, either side of a large chair that was starting to look extremely scruffy, one of which I knew to belong to Tony and had become worn from hours and hours of work he had spent working at this very same desk designing suits and mechanisms that would help us on missions, stood Tony Stark and my father, Captain America. In the chair sat the one man who I knew would be involved in this whole ordeal, whom I did learn to trust over the years but had every faith that he could escalate this problem to an even higher degree that I most likely didn't even know existed, Director Nick Fury.

"Oh, I know you weren't trying to hurt anyone, Miss Rogers, but whether you did end up hurting someone is a whole other problem," Nick said, his only good eye staring out at me, hands clasped in his lap. I couldn't help but feel I'd let the whole team down, just the look on Fury's face made me feel as if I'd killed his cat!

I looked over to where Thor was standing, and I knew that even though I had never meant to disregard him in any way, I had managed to do just that.

"However, I understand that no one has been injured as of yet, all I really want to know is how on earth you came across this accusation?" Fury continued, standing up from the chair and leaning over the desk to look at us.

I looked behind me at where Penny, Astrid, Oliver, Hunter and Max were all stood, Astrid stepped forward to explain, she had a good way with words, like her father.

"Well, Director, w-we met this girl at school, a-a n-new student. She is in Liberty's Science class-"

"And what is this girls name?" Fury asked, cutting Astrid off.

"Rebecca Green, Director," I answered, Fury nodded, allowing Astrid to continue explaining the situation.

"Liberty invited her to come and sit with us at lunchtime since she was sat alone, and she seemed really nice despite her..." Astrid trailed off, looking at me as she tried to phrase what she wanted to say as sincerely as possible. "Despite her... more gothic and brooding look,"

"I felt like there was something familiar about her, as if we'd come across her before, but not actually her, if you know what I mean. And I noticed she was wearing a bracelet that had a metal plate on it, something was engraved on the plate. I looked closer and noticed it was a symbol, which I then decided to research to try and find out what it meant in order to try and find out why she felt familiar for some reason," I continued the story, knowing that Fury would want details.

"I recognised the symbol when Liberty drew it out for me when I offered to help her," Astrid spoke, then she directed her words towards the direction of her father, "Father, it was the rune Kenaz-"

"Kenaz? but I haven't even seen or heard of the rune since..." Thor paused for a second, then began speaking again "since Thanos took... everything,"

"That's what I thought!" Astrid replied.

Fury shushed us all then, sitting back in his seat, closing his eye as he began to think. After a minute or two, he opened his eye again and cleared his throat.

"So, what you are telling me, is that this is all on the basis of what you assume to be true? with no rock solid evidence?" Fury asked, me and Astrid looked at each other then, we'd lost this one, I knew it hadn't been time to tell them.

Fury looked to my father, Steve Rogers, who was stood on his left, and spoke.

"She leads with her heart rather than her head, maybe-" he began, although Tony cut him off.

"Runs in the family, right? I mean, I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure we've already established these similarities between Liberty and Capsicle over there," Tony observed, using his sarcastic wit as usual, "But I'm sure it's that heart that helped to beat Thanos just over a year ago? Am I correct?" Of course he was, Tony Stark was always right, and goddamn it he knew it, a smile spreading across his face. He knew he'd caught Fury out on this one.

Fury turned to look at the billionaire and just simply sighed. He then turned back at dad, who just simply shrugged, smiling at Tony as if thanking him, even if he would never admit to doing that.

Director Fury then turned back to us as we stood in wait for whatever he was about to say.

"Alright, but you are not to pursue this girl on her heritage, understood?" Fury caved, a wave of relief flooded across my entire body, and I could tell that the same thing happened to Astrid too.

"But," Fury started again, "That is not the original reason for asking you all to gather here,"

That's when I felt my eyebrows furrow in confusion and all the relief escape from out of my lungs. What have we done now...

Authors notes
Hi guys, thanks for reading this far!
I'm absolutely mind blown that the prequel to this story has managed to get 10k reads 😱🤯

This story and these characters (marvel ones and my own) mean so much to me and it means a lot that you guys like them too!

I really appreciate you all,

See you on Friday for a new chapter 😁
- C

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