2 - The Last Weeks Of Summer

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Liberty's P.O.V

"Guys, that was great," Penny said as we all got out of our suits and inspected any wounds we had managed to pick up in that last fight.

"What, can I say," I began, "we're a great team," Everyone laughed together, despite the battle we had just been through together. 

At Avengers base, we had a sort of 'common room' type of place, that Director Fury decided to dedicate to us being able to meet there, like our own little version of a headquarters. It had everything we could ever need to relax after a battle, or just from a regular stressful day at school, all of us still being part of the American education system. It had the comfiest sofas, games consoles, mini fridges, ping pong tables (even if we sometimes got so competitive when playing it that someone almost every time nearly ends up with a missing eye.) We hung out there more than we did our own homes sometimes, which was strange, but honestly one of the best feelings in the world. But Avengers base had started to feel like our second homes, our homes away from home.

We'd almost spent the entire summer in Avengers base, but it hadn't just been us 6 plus Peter, since he was technically part of our little team, and he was technically an Avenger with me anyway. Ned had joined us for some of the time, with the approval of Director Fury obviously. He had already been friends with all of us for a while and he had become our eyes on the ground for the time being, as well as he spent a lot of time with Oliver engineering new tech and working the control panels when we went out on missions. 

"Well done guys, another successful battle under the belt," smirked Uncle Tony as he walked through the door to the common room. He was wearing his usual get up; old band t-shirt, jeans and his aviator glasses, his now partly useless arc reactor glowing softly through the fabric of his shirt.

"Yes, well done," said the most familiar voice as dad walked in, the legend that was and still is Captain America, again he was also wearing his classic get up; jeans and a shirt, as he always wore.

"You all deserve a break from all the fights you've been doing lately," the voice of Director Fury boomed over the intercoms, "It's almost the end of summer, go get some... ice cream or whatever you kids do nowadays. But don't forget-"

"Back here Monday after school," Penny, Oliver, Astrid, Max, Hunter, Peter and I all chorused in together, repeating back the same phrase that Fury had said to us all over and over again throughout the whole of the last week.

We all began to get up and get ready to leave when Fury's voice sounded over the intercoms once more.

"Oh, and Liberty, happy birthday," 

With that, all my friends cheered, my dad smiling widely at me as they did so.  He then brought a small silver box from out of his trouser pocket, passing it to me, his smile still there.

I took the box and opened it up, I could feel the eyes of everyone on me as a smallish silver ring glinted from the cushion inside. It had the letters 'M.C' etched into the band and what something that looked kind of similar to the S.H.I.E.L.D logo cut into the inner rim.

"Why 'M.C'?" I asked dad, smiling at how beautiful the ring was. It was nothing flashy, but then again, I wasn't really much of a fan of anything too glitzy or fancy.

"It was your mother's," Dad answered, I could see his eyes saddening slightly. "Your sister got it when Peggy... passed away. It was originally going to be yours but, since you were presumed dead for quite a while, it went to Elizabeth."

"And because it's your birthday, I decided it would be the perfect time to give it back to its original recipient," Lizzie said as she walked out from behind where everyone was stood.

"Lizzie," I said as I walked forward to embrace her in a hug, being extra careful as to not drop or lose the ring. "Thank you,"

"I thought mum would want you to have it, I have enough of her stuff!" Lizzie smiled.

I took the ring out of the box and tried to see what finger it would fit on, but it was way too big for any of my fingers. I tried not to look disheartened, but then a thought crossed my mind, what if I wore it on my thumb?

I slowly slipped it onto my thumb and it fit perfectly. I smiled. Now I always had a piece of mum with me.

"So, birthday celebrations?" Peter chipped in, putting his arm around my shoulders. "ice cream, as Fury suggested?"

"Ice cream sounds good right about now," I replied, smiling up at my boyfriend, he always knows. 

We all walked out together; Hunter, Max, Penny, Astrid, Oliver, Peter and me, spending the last weeks that we have left of Summer as wisely as we could.

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