Captain America Oggy - Part 3

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This is a one short fanfiction where Oggy becomes Captain America .

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In Previous Part -
We find Hydra attacked and conquered the city and heavily tortured the protesters. Olivia and Bob are angry as they can't find our heroes. The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D bravely defended the Hydra attack on Oggy's town but couldn't save. The Hydra decided to torture them to death. They started with Olivia but before they could do something our hero, Captain America Oggy arrived at the scene!!
3rd P.O.V
Everyone one is awed at the sudden arrival of Oggy, Jack and the cockroaches. That too, in torn clothes.

Flashback -
We are taken back in time to the place where Hydra betrayed the cockroaches. The Cockroaches stopped their mouth and nose so the poison can't enter their body. Oggy and Jack were able to survive the poison due to the Superhuman power. Cockroaches show them fighting the mutated fishes and joined them. They fought a lot. The fishes bit them with their super sharp canines and a lot of blood came out. They tried to defend but due to lack of Oxygen, they couldn't continue. Joey had something for help. Joey had a Plan B. If the Hydra wouldn't be able to defeat the cats, they would lauch OP bombs. He used them and cleared the way and quickly swam to the shore. Oggy was severely injured and unconscious. Jack pressed his chest in order to pump the water out. Marky had some herbs in his waist belt. He applied those on their wounds. After a lot of effort and time, Oggy finally regained his consciousness. Jack planned to beat the cockroaches but Oggy stopped him.
He said "Brother wait, don't hit them! We would need their help to defeat the Hydra. [To cockroaches] Will you help us defeat the backstabber and evil Hydra?"
Joey replied "Ok, I agree to help you today but we are not friends!"
Oggy said "Yeah but don't bring any outsider in our personal fight. Agree?"
Joey and the cockroaches together said "Agreed!"
Flashback Ends

The fight between Hydra and our heroes began. They had took some guns from the base. They launched attacks. Oggy, Jack and Dee Dee fought against the army. Joey and Marky rescued the captured soldiers. Their Superhuman strength was very powerful but couldn't defeat the whole army. After defeating a required amount of Hydra soldiers, they ran back. The Hydra soldiers also retreated since they caused some serious damage.

Bob's P.O.V
( Location - S.H.I.E.L.D base)
We are surprised by the arrival of the cats and cockroaches. They explained all the event to us. We didn't even know that they were attacked before us and were on the verge of death. I was very sorry for cursing them.
I told them "Sorry for being angry on you. I didn't know the happening."
Oggy replied "No probs. BTW we were not even present when you were angry." he gave me a wink.
I am very tough hearted but I was really sorry.

Hydra's leader P.O.V
(Location - Hydra base)
"What!? They are still alive!" I exclaimed.
"Yes, we thought we finished them but they somehow survived." My commander replied.
It was not expected their life could mean our loss. We can't let them live.
"Tight the security!" I ordered.

3rd P.O.V
(Location - S.H.I.E.L.D base)
Oggy was making the plan for invading the city with Bob, Olivia and Jack. Olivia told him that the security in the market place was low since there were almost no people living in that area.
Oggy said "Why can't we go in the area of protesters."
Olivia replied "At the area of protesters, to kill them Hydra has deployed a large number of soldiers. So, better security. We can also enter in the electricity generator site for invading. The security is low due to the lack of people."
They discussed a lot and made a good plan for invading the city.

Oggy's P.O.V
Our weapons are less and soldiers are wounded. But their condition is similar. So, it is the best time to attack. We are healing the wounds and repairing the airplanes, tanks and other weapons as fast as we can. We are planning to invade quickly and are getting prepared if they counter-attack.

To be Continued......

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