Captain America Oggy - Part 2

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This is a one short fanfiction where Oggy becomes Captain America .

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In Previous part-
We find cockroaches partnered with Hydra and Successfully defeated Captain America Oggy and his cousin Buck Jack. Hydra deceived the cockroaches and threw them in water and getting ready for world attack!!
3rd P.O.V
(Location - City beside Oggy's town)
So the world is normal. People are going to office and children are going to school. People were doing household work as well. Some were enjoying, some were working. This was the common life. It was very peaceful😌 and quite.

But it was the peace before the horrific storm. Hydra airplanes were on the sky and tanks were on the ground. People watched them with blank faces. Police came to the rescue but provided little to no help. They soon dropped bombs and suddenly there was a disastrous sight.

There was a lot of commotion

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There was a lot of commotion. People were panicking. There wer dead bodies of people. Some died due to the stumping by the crowd and got buried in the soil. There was an atmosphere of death with no way out. They slowly swallowed the whole city.

Olivia's P.O.V
(Location - Oggy's town)
"Have you heard about the Hydra attack on the city?" I shouted to Bob.
Bob replied "Ya, I've heard. They also announced that whoever joins and supports them will be safe but protestors and neutrals will be killed. BTW where are Captain America Oggy and Bucky Jack?"
I told "They went for fishing but didn't return. I went to fishing lake but to no avail. I searched for the cockroaches but I couldn't find them too. "
Bob said angrily "Darn it ! We can't do anything without them. Where the hell they went!"
It was evident that Bob was angry and why shouldn't he be? The Hydra was attacking and they didn't get the news? How can they be so careless? Where they could have gone? WTH is happening!?

3rd P.O.V
(Location - City)
There were large number of protesters. Hydra mercilessly killed them. They gave them a horrific death. They burned them alive after putting hot iron rods in eyes and peeling off their skin. It was chaos all around. It looked no one can stop them now. Some protesters ran away in time. It looked this was the end of good and evil will rule soon.....

(Location - Oggy's town)
Olivia, Bob and the others of the S.H.I.E.L.D. were rescuing the refugees. They knew that they have to fight them soon. They were preparing guns and weapons for the fight. They knew though their weapons are high-tech and futuristic, they are no match for Hydra's weapons. They would go all way out for defeating evil.

(One day later)
The Hydra battle airplanes were up. The tanks were prepared. S.H.I.E.L.D also started their tech. It was do or die. The Battle began....

Hydra launched their rockets. S.H.I.E.L.D also launched their weapons.
Olivia in a fighter jet " I won't let them win." and she started attacking the Hydra airplanes. It was a fierce battle. There were also giant battle robots from both sides.

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The Hydra tech was too powerful

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The Hydra tech was too powerful. They slowly overpowered them. But the S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers didn't turn back. They fought for good. Ultimately, the S.H.I.E.L.D lost.

The Hydra soldiers imprisoned them and tied them. They decided to torture them to death. They shared an evil giggle. They started with Olivia.
Olivia shouted "Whatever you do to me, I will not turn back!"
The soldier tried to enter a hot rod into her eyes but suddenly, an shield a came and knocked him back. The shield returned to its owner. There stood our mighty heroes Captain America Oggy with Bucky Jack and the cockroaches in ragged clothes!!

To be Continued.....

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