O.B.B. (5.

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*8 years ago*

Brahms P.O.V.

Walking out of class, I walked to the side and stretched out my arms, happy it's the end of class. "Later, Brahms." My close friends, Todd and Kyle bumped my arm lightly. "Later." I nod my head at them. I felt another hand on my shoulder,' I'm so happy it's Friday, dude." I moved to my right and saw my best friend, Kevin. We did our hand shake and I agreed with him.

"I know, me too. What are you doing this weekend?" We walked a bit further from class. "Nothing much, my grandparents are in town until Monday." I nodded my head. "Well, if you have time, wanna come over? Mayra has been asking for you, for some reason." I saw a light shade of pink on his face but I brushed it off.

He cleared his throat and shivered off some chills. "Um, sure. I'll see if I can." He smiled and I smirked, 'good, because I want you to distract her while I chill with Mia for a bit." Speaking of the girls, I looked around trying to find them. "Have you seen them, by the way?" He looked around as well, but he froze and got an annoyed look on his face.

I gave him a confused face. "What going on, man?" I asked him, until I felt the lightest tap on my shoulder and I now know why. This girl just doesn't seem to get it through her thick hard headed thoughts. "Hey, Brahms." I heard the voice of Katie Henderson. The most snobbiest, rudest and hard headed bitch I ever met. I made a face at Kevin and he agreed.

I turned and saw the witches of Eida Birdy Elementary Private school: Katie, Kelly, Becca, Claire and Lexie. Katie and Kelly are sisters, Becca is the step-sister of Claire and Lexie but also the cousins of Katie and Kelly. Just one big family of snobs, rude and ugly witches. They bully and harrass a bunch of people, even the teachers. No one does a thing about it though, just cause their parents pay a great amount of money for them to be here.

Katie smiled up at me,' how was your day, Brahms?" I never felt my stomach so sick whenever she talks to me. Somehow she thinks I like her, all cause we had a group project to do but I would never do that to myself. Besides, when Mia first arrived, she bullied the hell out of her and that made me pissed off cause I couldn't hit her. If she was a guy, it would be a different story, probably wouldn't even be here at this school.

She bashed her eyes at me while her little follow witches giggle. Yuck, her eyes just show up like the devil can be in there, well he probably is. I looked at Kevin and he made a barf face, I lightly laugh and looked back at her and made a face again."Katie, I've told you over and over again, leave me alone. I know you have bad hearing from yelling a lot but I do not, would not, could not ever like you like that. Like just fuck off."

They all gasp and Katie started crying, then she ran, the witches glared at me and ran after her. "You went easy, why'd you go easy?!" Me and Kevin jumped from a familiar voice and looked back. "She deserves so much more!" Mayra was gonna go after her but Mia stopped her. "She started crying, how did he go easy on her?! Just be happy he didn't even hit her!" Mia laughed and Mayra relaxed a bit. "Exactly! He didn't hit her! But fine, next time." We laughed at her saying, until Kevin heard his mom calling out his name. "Alright, I'll see you guys later." He hugged us and left.

"Are you riding with us?" I looked at Mia. Gosh she looked so pretty today, well everyday she looks pretty. "Yup,' she smiled at me,'my mom told your mom about it this morning." I nod my head at her. "She's even sleeping over." We looked at Mia and she nodded in agreement. "Oh, yeah. I am. I just need to get a couple things from my house first." I heard my dad call out to us. "C'mon." We walked to him, I got in the front and he opened the door for Mia and Mayra. "Princesses." They giggled as he helped them up. He closed their door and walked to the drivers seat.

After about 15 minutes, we were back home. "Okay, daddy. I'ma walk Mia so she can get clothes or whatever she needs." She gave her backpack to my dad and turned. They were close to walking two feet when my dad stop them. "Hold on!" They turned and looked at him. "I dont get a thank you?" He said playfully, holding his heart. I chuckled as they gave him a hug. "I'll walk you guys." I said as they let my dad go. "But we are big girls, we can handed ourselves." Mayra looked at me, with an annoyed look.

"What about the dog that almost attacked you guys if it wasnt for me?" Mayra groaned as she knew I was right, Mia giggled at her. "Alright, no fighting guys." My dad got my backpack from me. "Your bother has a point, who knows when the Johnson's will let their dogs out again." They raised their eyes and quickly grabbed my arm. "Okay then, lets go." They pulled me.

We began walking to Mia's house. We got to her door and she knocked. Her mom opened the door. "Hey, darlings. Mia I got your back all packed up, its in your room." She said as we walked in. "Go ahead and get it." Mayra and Mia went upstairs while I stayed downstairs. "Want something to drink, Brahms?" Mia's mom looked at me. "Yes, ma'am. A glass of water, please." She handed me a cold water bottle and went back inside the kitchen. Mayra came downstairs with a little bag. "Here, Brahms." And handed it to me.

I looked up,'where's Mia?" Mayra looked at me with a suspicious look. "Still upstairs, why?" I looked at her,' well, uh, you-you guys haven't chosen a movie yet, uh, and we have a lot to choose from so we dont loose time." Horrible, lie, Brahms. I mentally shook my own head. "Uh, huh, are you sure it's because you wanna look at her 24/7?" She smirked at me. I shook my head and brushed her off. "No, I don't." She scoffed, 'whatever."

We heard her light foot steps coming downstairs. "Okay, I'm ready." She said with her bag in her arms. She set it down,'just let me say bye to my momma." She smiled at us and walked to the kitchen. "You're gonna have to tell her eventually." I gave my sister an annoyed looked and she raised her hands up. "Whatever, I'm just saying cause Julian likes her." I gave her a hard glare, Julian Perez, the most baby face little boy there is. He has even teen girls at his feet from his blue eyes, dirty blonde hair and he's an only child, there's no way he's gonna be with MY Mia.

"...and remember to be respectful." Mia's mom walked behind her. "I will, momma. Tell dadda I'll see him on Sunday or if he's outside." She hugged her mom and grabbed her bag. "Here, I can carry it for you." I held my hand out, Mia looked up at me, handed me her bag and smiled at me. "Thanks, Brahms." We walked to the front door, and Mia's mom watch us as we walked. "Be careful with the dog, he could be out by now."

They both held onto my arm and looked around. I glanced at Mia for a bit, her hold gave me the shivers but I held it back. My sister would never let it go. Sure I like Mia, she's everything I wanted from a girl. But I know I gotta wait a little more to actually tell her.

Chapter five complete.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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