O.B.B. (1.

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*13 years ago*

"Brahms come here!" He rolled his eyes as he heard his little sister. He turned to look at her but stop as he saw who was next to her, like she was an angel from above. Her eyes glistening with the sun, a bit shorter than his sister, wavy blonde hair, brown eyes.

"This is Mia, she's the one that moved next door to us and she's the same age as me!" Mayra told her brother but she didn't notice her brother was just looking at Mia. "She is now my best friend so you can't be mean to her." She exclaim to him, pointing her little fingers at him while Mia giggled a bit.

He shook out of his trance. "Hi, I'm Brahms. Mayra's older brother." He smile lightly at her. "It's nice to meet you. What are you doing by the pond?" Mia questioned him softly. He looked back at the pond then back to her. "Just throwing rocks." He said, almost ashamed at his boredom. "Well, we are gonna see a movie soon, you wanna watch with us?" Mia asked him nicely but Mayra interrupted their little conversation.

"He won't, he doesn't even watch much movies with me. So, I don't think he's gonna watch Cinderella with us." As must as he doesn't, he want to be close to his new foundly crush. "I'm bored, I would like to watch it but just this once." He tired to show that he was bored. "Yay!" The girls cheered and hugged him.

*Flashback over.*

Brahms was in his day dream, thinking back when he first met Mia when they were kids. He tried so many times to tell her how much he loves her but always failed. Right now, he was driving to her and his sister's shared apartment, after being away for three months for work, he was so excited to see her again...and his sister but mostly Mia. "In three miles, turn left." He shook out of his day dream and smirked, "I'm back, bebe, and I'm finally ready to make you mine, mines."

* * *

Mia's P.O.V.

Two Hours Before

"Honey, I'm home!" I heard Mayra yell out. "RaRa, remember our walls are not that soundproof." I walked up to her with my planner, writing down what my scheldule would be for the week. "We are almost at strike two because of you." I looked up, playfully smirking at her.

"Our grumpy, cat lady loves my voice and she knows it." She winked at me, setting the grocery bags down on the table. "I got your favorite chips and drinks for movie night." I placed the planner down and started helping, 'Mayra, what's this?" I asked holding up some weird frozen food and a four pack of beer.

She turned to look at me and had a realization look on her face. "Oh shit, I totally forgot to tell you, my brother is back in town', she said turning around to put away some sauces,'He said he wanted to meet us and hang out for a while, maybe a couple weeks. He was gone for three months." I felt my face go pale, ever since I could remember, I've had this on and off crush thing for Brahms.

He told me he was gonna be gone for a while, because of his work, but that he really needed to talk to me when he returned, totally forgetting about it. Last week, he sent me and RaRa pictures of everything he could. I never told RaRa but I have a huge feeling she knows about my on and off again crush on her brother. His personality, his eyes, when we were younger, he would even sing for us. His voice sounded so perfect singing.

"When will he be here?" I placed his things in the fridge. "In an hour or so, he called me three days ago that he missed us. You know we are both his favorite." She giggled, so did I but not like her. Once I was done helping her, I walked into my room with my planner. My phone dinged, I checked, guess me and Mayra both forgot some things today. I put on some jeans and my vans, Grabbed my sweater cause it was a bit chilly outside.

"RaRa, I'll be back. I gotta run to the Pharmacy. Do you need me to pick anything up for you? Anything that you might of missed?" She thought about it for a while, 'no, not that I could think of, but I'll message you if I remember anything." I grabbed my car keys and opened the door. "Okay, I'll be fast." I got into the elevator and pressed the garage button.

"You couldn't be more perfect timing, medicine." I got to my car, started it and drove off, light traffic but I don't mind it. If I'm not there by the time Brahms gets there, the better.

Brahms' P.O.V.

"You've arrived at your destination." I looked up at the apartment, I couldn't wait to see her. I drove to the visit area parking, got my stuff and headed in. Took out my phone, Mia being my wallpaper, I dialed my sister. "Hey, are you here?" Wow, not even a hello, but that is RaRa for you. "Yeah, I am. What door is it again?" I pushed the elevator button.

"Room 548. Just come on in, the door is unlocked." We hunged up, I push button 5 and I felt my hands start to sweat, just thinking about Mia just makes me nervous but not this time. I'm finally gonna make my move and she will be mine.

The doors opened and I walked to the door, turned the nobb. "Hello? Mayra? Mia?" I sat my things next to the door. "Big brother!!" Mayra jumped on my back. "Hey, sis. Can you get off now?" She did, offered me water then we sat down on their sofa. "So, how was England?" I showed her pictures and told her about it. "Just work here and there, I barely went sight seeing. Just the places where I was supposed to be."

I looked around,'hey, where's Mia?" I couldn't tell if I was hiding my disappoint face. "Oh, she'll be back. She went to pick up her medicine, so don't worry lover boy." I looked at her shocked,'wha-how'd you know?" She smirked at me and picked up her cup of water. "Oh please, you can't hide anything from me. You look at her like she's a Goddess." I grime at her, shaking my head. "That's because she is."

"Look', she sat her cup down,'why can't you just tell her how you feel. I can tell, even if she sometimes denies it from me, I can tell she has feelings for you, too." I shook me head,'I know, I can feel she has feelings for me, too but this time, I'm finally gonna make my move. She smiled at me.

"Here, get your bags, I've set you up in the guess room. The bed is pretty comfortable, you even have your own bathroom aross the hall." Did I tell you how their apartment is pretty spacious, it might as well be a house. Its like loft, I swear.

"How long ago did she leave?" I asked her setting my stuff on the bed. "Like 25 minutes ago, she sometimes likes to look around and loose track of time." I felt disappointed, I really wanted to see her. I heard Mayra's phone ring and her picking up. I payed no mind to it until I heard Mia's name.

"Hey, Brahms, you still don't like Starbucks, right?" I smiles, she thought of me. "Nah, I still don't." She hunged up a while later. "Brahms, I know you might be tired but she has a few bags, she said she got it but..." I already had my shoes on and rushed pass her. "Right, okay." RaRa looked at him opening and closing the door. "....but she's not here yet." She smiled and giggled.

Part one, complete.

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