Moving mayhem

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Peter and Tony had been in Tony's lab at avengers tower for a few hours now. Every time Peter would try and mention that he needed to be somewhere, like meeting with Harry at the place he was going to be staying for a while, Tony always just brushed it off with the same comment.

"Then you shouldn't have asked for help Parker." He was right after all, because Peter probably could do this alone if given the time, but who knows how efficient it would have been.

"I know that Tony. Look, how much longer do you think it will take? 'Cause if I'm not there by tonight, then Norma-"

"Done. The strange energy signal you and this paper have been emitting is cosmic radiation that comes from a parallel universe." He wasn't even listening to me... "The energy level is extremely low, which would suggest that has been decaying for a while now. Much longer and we wouldn't have been able to trace it."

"Wait wait wait. You're telling me it's from a parallel universe? When the hel-" Tony cut him off once again.

"I also had Friday run tests on the comparative radiation flow coming from you and the piece of paper, and was able to determine that the amount of radiation that you absorbed compared to the amount you've been putting out would amass from roughly a year's time in that parallel universe. So, you have some explaining to do Parker." Tony glared at Peter as he stood in place shocked.

Me, in a parallel universe? Could it be from my time with Miles and the others? No, cause that happened months before I found the paper and Tony says there wasn't much longer before the radiation would be detectable... I

"Have no idea. I already told you about everything with Miles and the other spider-people, so it can't have been that, 'cause that was months before I found that drawing. So I honestly don't know. Plus I haven't been universe jumping since to my knowledge." Peter looked up at Tony, who was pinching the bridge of his nose.

"I was worried you would say something like that. Alright, go meet up with your friend, I'll contact Bruce and see if he can offer us some help in finding out what the hell is going on. The man is an expert on radiation after all." Peter thought back to the times that he had both fought with and against the hulk, shivering at the thought of the latter.

"Alright. Well I'll talk to you tomorrow Tony. Do you want me to leave the sample?" Peter pointed at the drawing signed by "Eri" as he put his mask back on.

"That would make figuring this all out a lot easier. Now shoo Parker, I've got work to due thanks to you." Peter took one last look at the drawing in the radiation analyzer. Tony looked at him and sighed. "I won't hurt it alright? Go."

Peter took one last glance at the drawing before turning and taking off out the open window.

• • •

As he swung, Peter kept thinking back to the drawing. He couldn't seem to get his mind off the darn thing, especially since he now knew that he had apparently been in an entirely different universe for almost an entire year.

How in the world, or rather parallel world, did he spend a year in another universe and not have any memories of the event? It just didn't make sense to him.

Peter finally managed to reach the place that Harry was letting him stay, and stealthily dropped down to the side after covering up his suit with normal clothes. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket, and made a quick call to Harry, who answered in a tired voice.

"Hey Pete. Where were you earlier man?" Peter felt a tinge of guilt.

"Got caught up with... work stuff..." After working with Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers, and Bruce Banner for so long, Peter could guarantee that the government really listened to people's phone calls.

"Oh. Gotcha. Well are you there now? Cause if so I can tell you where we put your key." Peter was relieved that Harry had put it somewhere rather than just taking it with him when he left. He didn't want to trouble his friend too much.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Alright. Go on the porch and walk around to the left side of the building. There's a storm drain being held up by a rock in front of the fence, the key will be under that rock." Harry waited in silence as he could hear Peter searching. "You find it?" Peter let out a small 'yup' in response. "Cool your boxes are inside, and the house is mostly set already, so you should be good for awhile. Talk to you later Pete."

"Talk later Harry." Peter closed his phone as he walked around to the front of the building, key in hand.

He quickly walked over and opened up the front door, revealing several of his boxes, and a note that had graciously been left by one Tony Stark.

You owe me big time for moving your stuff for you. -Tony.

Peter chuckled at the note, knowing that he now owed the billionaire even more for the work he was currently doing thanks to Peter. While he did feel guilty about it, to a degree, Peter couldn't help remember all the times that he had saved Tony's butt from threats that the avengers had established as "Spider-man jurisdiction".

They had done this as a way to break up the responsibility toll on each avenger, that way the whole team didn't show up for one of Black Cat's thefts, or Abomination's rampages. This made it to where each avenger, Peter included, had their individual responsibilities, but still had the team responsibilities.

This also meant that Spider-Man didn't normally have to worry about someone else's powers getting added to Venom, but if he needed extra help he could request it. Then Tony essentially said "screw that", and had stepped in on several occasions when Peter was still somewhat younger, and tried to take control, but only made things worse.

So, Peter had to get the cocky Tony Stark out of a situation that he shouldn't have even been in, and risk his own neck doing so. Or at least more so than normal.

Just as Peter was going to lay down, and take it easy for the night, he heard his police scanner, which he had just turned on, start to report petty crimes near by his current location. He rolled his head and faced the scanner, with an almost angry look in his eyes.

"You have ruined every special occasion for me, you know that? Ugh, no surprise there though. That's just the old Parker luck working it's magic." With that being said, Peter stood up and grabbed his suit as he headed for the nearest window, ready to start yet another "work night".

Thanks for reading! I hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and the build up im doing with Peter! Also, this story will try to focus on him more, as he didn't get as much screen time as i initially planned for When Worlds Collide! So I wanted to make this one include more Spider-Man, and more action in general. There will still be izuocha fluff, and Eri fluff, but I will be focusing on more action based story for this one! I hope again that y'all are enjoying the story, and I'll see you guys next time!

Word count: 1305

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