Big questions about a little girl

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         Peter couldn't believe the situation he was in right now. The young girl he had found, Kelly, had not only fallen asleep on him, but was clinging to him for dear life as she cried even in her sleep.

         Now, not sure of where else to go, seeing as how he had more than likely pissed off half of the Avengers, he didn't want to go to the tower just yet. So, he had taken Kelly with him to the place Harry was letting him stay at, so that they were both inside for the night.

         Upon getting inside, Peter noticed a bit of a problem really quickly. Kelly, who was clinging to his chest, didn't want to let go of him, which meant that he couldn't change out of his suit. In fact, the only part of his suit he could take off was his gloves and his mask.

         "I guess this will work for tonight, but I'm gonna need to shower eventually kid." As if in response to his statement, Kelly squeezed into his chest even further. "Ughh... fine." Peter smiled at the young girl as he layed them down on his bed. "But just tonight..."

         As Peter curled himself around the sleeping girl tightened her hold as well, but gave a soft smile in her sleep from the comfort and warmth that now surrounded her.

• • •

         "HOW COULD YOU LET HIM GET AHOLD OF THE PACKAGE! I ASKED YOU FOR ONE THING TASKMASTER! ONE THING!" Octavious got up mere inches from Taskmaster's face, which was covered with his usual metallic skull mask.

         "Careful Otto. I didn't entirely fail, and you know it. You've got your stupid serum, so just use some other kid damnit." Two of Doc Ock's mechanical arms raised up with blades extended towards Taskmaster's face.

         "I ALREADY TOLD YOU! THA-" Taskmaster gave Otto a deadly glare. "That girl... is necessary for my plan. It won't work without her. I need to use her to lure Spider-Man in, and I can't do that now!"

         "Any child of the street would work for that. I don't see a problem Otto." The octopus themed villain made his way to a nearby chair and took his seat.

         "That girl is the catalyst, Taskmaster. She poses a rare mutation in her DNA that only occurs once every 300 years. If I can't get ahold of her, then everything has been for naught." Taskmaster tilted his head.

         "What kind of mutation?" Otto grinned a hideously evil grin.

         "Any normal person would be at deaths door step if you put too great a strain on their body, whether that be physical or mental. Throughout history, there have been accounts of what you might call historic heros. Heracles (the demigod Hercules is based on), Sampson, and many others all fitting into the same generic profile. Muscles upon muscles, with the tall and broad shouldered figure, along with the super strength and unimpenetrable skin. Imagine the ability to take this power for yourself, and the ability to reverse it for another on your command."

         "This is nonsense Otto. What does this have to do with the girl?"

         "Her mutation is the same one that all those heros throughout history had! With this serum, I can give her power to myself, and those who I've deemed worthy! On top of that, I could use it to destroy all those who defy me, through a reaction that only I can create!"

         "So you think this kid is the key to some sort of world domination?" Taskmaster's voice reeked of disbelief.

         "If you want to phrase it that way... then yes." Otto couldn't have predicted what would happen next.

A World Rebuiltजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें