Full recovery

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"Mom, you can go get some sleep... Papa will be here soon." Ochako chuckled at Eri's words.

"2 things sweetheart. First, I'm not leaving your side for a second until your dad gets here. Second, if you're just gonna call me mom, then just call him dad. Little weird to have a sort of double standard like that." Eri laughed.

"Okay, fine. But go home mom. I don't want you or the baby to have any problems because of me." Ochako stood up and walked over to where Eri sat in her hospital bed, and sat next to her.

"Eri, I'm going to be just fine, and so is your little brother or sister. We're both going to be just fine sweetheart, but we both want to be here with you to make sure you're okay too." The curtain to the room slid open as Izuku stepped through with Peter and Kelly.

"I hope we're all included in that list. She is my daughter, his niece, and her cousin after all. We all want her to get better too." Eri beamed with a smile.

"Dad! Uncle Pete! How did the trial go? Did you get custody of Kelly?" Kelly ran up to the side of Eri's bed with a big smile.

"Yup! He weally my daddy now! Dat means you weally my coudin Ewi!" Kelly started to climb up the side of the bed, as Eri helped her up only for Izuku to rush over and lift Kelly onto the bed for her.

"I had it dad, I was helping her up." Izuku gave her a look.

"That's good and all, but the doctor says you aren't allowed to do any heavy lifting over 15 pounds. I might not be great at imperial measurements, but I'm pretty sure a 3 year old is over 15 pounds, right?" The last part was directed at Peter, who gave a silent nod.

"Okay, fine... I'll be more careful..." Eri turned to face Kelly. "Im just glad you're really my cousin now!"

As the two young girls talked, Ochako got up from Eri's bed and walked over to Izuku and Peter, who were stood in the corner of the hospital room, just watching over the young girls.

"Well, congrats Peter. I know you were really hoping to get custody, and it's pretty obvious that she feels safe with you. I'm sure you'll be an excellent dad." Peter smiled at the other brunette.

"Thanks Ochako. I appreciate that. Besides, I'm just glad not only that I have custody of her now, but also that she gets to have such awesome extended family like you guys." Peter looked at both Izuku and Ochako. "Thanks for the support guys."

"No problem Pete. Though I do have a favor to ask of you." Izuku glanced at his wife then back to Peter. "Ochako's going to protest, but can you watch Eri while I take her back to the tower? She's been here all night, she needs the sleep." Ochako tried to disagree, but gave up quickly.

"Alright. Fine. I did my part and held out for her, now I just need a nap." Peter nodded.

"Well, don't worry, I'll be here with her the whole time. So go get some rest, alright?"

"Thanks Pete." Right as Izuku abs Ochako were about to walk out, the doctor walked in the room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya?" Izuku nodded at him.

"That's us."

"Well, I've got some good news for you. First of all, your daughter's rib fracture is healing incredibly fast, and none of her organs are going to face any long lasting effects. She's in such good shape in fact that I feel confident enough to allow her to go back home with you today." Izuku smiled before looking at his wife and then back to the doctor.

A World RebuiltOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora