Raised stakes

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         Peter landed down on the roof of the building adjacent to the bank where the six were staging a robbery. Right after he touched down, there was the sound of a sudden thud next to him, accompanied by a flash of teal-green lightning. Izuku looked up at Peter.

         "So what're we looking at right now?" Peter turned back to face the bank.

         "They've confirmed Sand-man and Vulture so far, nothing yet about the others though." Izuku grabbed his chin as he thought.

         "Could this have a double intention behind it?" Peter nodded.

         "I was wondering the same thing.  If they want to get the money, then why not make it easier and bring everyone in on the same bank, since it would be exponentially harder to catch them all. Unless this is supposed to serve as a diversion and robbery simultaniously."

         "Do you think they're going to try and get Otto out of the RAFT?" Peter thought for a second.

         "Maybe. I somewhat doubt it though, considering Otto's mechanical arms are as good as useless now, and would be way too difficult to fix. That being said though, he might not be the one they're after." Izuku raised an eyebrow at him.

         "What do you mean?" Peter chuckled.

         "I've got my share of enemies locked up in there. Some of them are even ready and willing to kill me. If they're looking for an extra man to fill their ranks, they've got a pretty easy job." Izuku nodded.

         "So what do we do then? Because if they go after the RAFT, then we might be the only ones able to hold them back. But we can't exactly leave this mess for the same reason." Peter barely even hesitated.

         "We deal with it one thing at a time. We can't prove they're going for the RAFT, and splitting up is sub-optimal. For now we handle the bank, and if we get notified about something happening at the RAFT, then we head there as soon as possible." Izuku simply nodded before they jumped over to the scene.

         One thing that became immediately clear was the presence of sand on the ground, it was slight, but it was there. Once they touched down though, the sand on the ground sweltered around them as it became stronger than steel, trying to hold them both down as Sand-man rose out of the sand like a monster, swinging an attack their way.

         Both Peter and Izuku managed to dodge the attack, as it just barely swung over top of them. They both then sent punches at their feet, breaking the sand off of them. Once they had done so, Peter quickly lunged forward as he spun a web net around Sand-man's fist, holding it down as Izuku jumped up at 25% and axe kicked the shoulder, taking that arm off. Peter pulled the web net closed and tied it off, throwing it aside so that Sand-man couldn't use the sand inside.

         Moving quickly, Izuku rushed in, slamming his fist into Sand-man's stomach using 45%. The wind pressure that shot out as a result caused massive amounts of sand to blow away. What Izuku hadn't predicted to happen though, was when Sand-man quickly rebuilt his abdomen, closing the greenette's fist within as it reached that steel line strength once more.

         "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you want to be able to stop me!" Sand-man let out his words with a vicious scream as he looked at Izuku.

         The greenette tried to jump up and kick him, only to find his feet once again trapped. He looked up at Sand-man's wicked grin, only to watch as a manhole cover flew through his head, loosing the sand that restricted him just long enough for Izuku to jump backwards and out of the situation.

         "Focus attacks on his head! He's still human, so he needs to defend his head, which looses all his other sand!" Izuku nodded.

         "Understood Spider-Man!" The green hero spun around towards Sand-man, and charged up 65% as he lunged at him.

         Izuku reeled back his fist and punched the air, sending an powerful airwave straight at his head, blasting the sand and causing it to scatter.

         Sand-man reformed as quickly as possible right below Izuku's attack, only to watch as the green hero spun his leg down in an axe kick, bashing him in the head, knocking him to the ground. Izuku quickly turned to face Peter in a slight panic, only for the spider themed hero to swing past to rush inside.

         "Let the police take care of him from here! He's unconscious now, and don't worry about having hurt him, seeing as I've thrown a truck at him to knock him down before, and he came out just fine!" Izuku had rushed to Peter's side, now in the middle of the bank.

         "Alright. Now where's Vulture?" Right then, the giant bird dressed man flew out of the vault and over their heads, aimed for the doors.

         "You may have caught that oaf, but you won't get me!" Vulture was about to swoop through the doors when Izuku jumped at him and socked him in the ribs, sending him straight into a wall.

         The sound of the crash rang out, with the sight of stacks of money flying out of the cases and onto the floor in individual bills. Vulture pulled himself off of the wall, dropping to the floor instantly. The older man that is Adrian Toomes tried to pull himself up when he found his legs and hands being webbed to the floor. Peter walked up to Vulture, in an anger that showed even through his mask.

         "What's going on Vulture? Where are the others?" Toomes scoffed at his question.

         "I may be a criminal, but not even I would stoop low enough to sell out an associate." Peter glared at him.

         "You're not stupid Toomes, you invented that wing suit after all. So I know for a fact that you wouldn't be reckless enough to propose or agree to only two of you rob a bank."

         "You know Spider-Man, trying to flatter me is pointless. I won't give up the others to you under any circumstances." Adrian went to look away before a realization hit him. "Though there is one thing I can tell you." Vulture grew a nasty sneer.

         Izuku walked up next to them, already able to tell how quickly things were going south.

         "And what might that be?" Peter spat his words at the villain in front of him.

         "Each and every member of the six knows exactly who you are." Peter froze at his words, and was glad that he was wearing a mask. "Not just us either! If Otto has been following the plan while inside the prison, then half of all the inmates in the RAFT should know who you are."

         Peter stood quietly, his anger building quickly as Adrien spoke.

         "You should never have crossed us Spider-Man... or should I say Pete-"

         Izuku flicked his finger and hit Vulture with an air shot bullet, knocking him out where he sat. The greenette walked up to his friend abs put a hand on his shoulder.

         "You and I both know that we can't let them get to us, otherwise we-"

         "They can get to me all they want.  They can attack me, beat me... THEY CAN KILL ME DAMMNIT!" Peter took a deep breath. "But now I'm not the one in danger. The people in danger is everyone that I have fought so hard to protect... aunt May... Kelly... MJ and Harry... they're all in danger because of me, just like always." A tear ran down Peter's cheek. "Let's go, the police can take it from here."

         Before Izuku could get a word in, Peter ran out of the bank, jumping into the air and swinging away.
Thanks for reading! Bit of a short chapter compared to the last few, but this one has taken so long that i figured it's best not to delay it anymore!

Word count: 1393

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