Avenger test

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"Uncle Pete! You're back!" Eri raced over to the door, where Peter had just barely begun to step in.

"Of course I am shortstack. I just had something I needed to do is all." Peter smiled at the young girl.

"A crime you stopped?" Peter looked up to see Ochako walking over to him, with Izuku nowhere currently in sight.

"Yeah... Sorry I left so suddenly because of it, I just didn't want to ruin the relaxed mood of everything..." Peter rubbed the back of his head.

"You're fine. Just say something next time, alright? Oh, and if you could avoid going out the window that would be nice too." Peter chuckled at the comment.

"I'll keep that in mind." He took a small breath to stop his chuckles. "So where did Izuku go?"

"Papa went to go talk to Mr. Stark about you vanishing." Eri turned to her mother. "You should probably call and tell him uncle Pete is-"

Just then, the door opened yet again behind them, where Izuku stepped through with his green hair and freckled face.

"Tony says that Peter probably was just responding to a crime or something, and not to worry about it."

"Well no kidding Papa, cause uncle Pete is back!" Izuku spun around from closing the door, where he saw Peter stood next to Eri and Ochako.

"Dude. The window? Really?" Peter laughed at Izuku's comment as said greenette approached them.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Duty calls, and what-not." The small group of four made their way to the couches.

"You're fine. So what happened? What was going on?" Peter sat down on the couch adjacent them, before looking up and recalling the events of the armed robbery to the small family.

• • •

         Peter sat in the workshop at Avengers tower that Tony had designated for him to use, that way he had a place where he could keep his equipment, without worry that it would be seen by anyone who might break into his house/appartment.

         He had been working on upgrading his web shooters, and advancing the weapons detection system in his suit's heads up display, so that it would be able to scan for and detect visual discrepancies in the clothes of the person being scanned, and assess if the discrepancy pattern matched that of any known fire arms or other weapons. Doing this required Peter to input example photos into the detection system, that it could scan and reference while also scanning the person.

         Seeing as how Peter lived in New York, and didn't have access to any fire arms as a law-abiding citizen, he was forced to look up the example pictures online, which had become quite the daunting task for him. Almost all the pictures he found had the weapon half exposed, or were open jacket pockets showing the weapon. The task was mind numbing to him, so when he got a call from Tony asking him to meet him in the main Avengers living quarters, he jumped on the opportunity.

         Upon arriving, Peter exited the elevator to find all of the Avengers standing in front of Izuku, who was dressed in his hero suit.

         "Look who decided to show up." Peter looked at War machine, or Rhodey as Tony called him, and sent him a half serious glare.

         "If you guys want me in meetings, you should call sooner." Rhodey chuckled at his comment, along with Captain America himself, Steve Rodgers.

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