♧︎☘︎︎Unexpected Visitor|Pt.1☘︎︎♧︎

Start from the beginning


Hey, Saihara! You didn't come in to get your coffee today, remember what I said about not letting yourself get too stressed!

Saihara, Akamatsu said you didn't show to work at all, are you sick?

She seemed worried, and if you are, I hope you feel better soon! I hope to see you tomorrow bro!

Hey hey Saihara! Still feeling bad I'm assuming? You didn't come in today at all either, I'm hoping you're okay!

Maybe try and message back? Akamatsu and I are worried for you, you don't ever stay home even when you're sick.

Hey Saihara, you didn't come in today either! I hope all is well and I hope you feel better soon!
Today 6:32am

Hey Momota-kun,
I'm sorry for not responding sooner!

I was feeling ill but I'm feeling better so after stopping off at the office, I'll stop by and visit you as well, see you then!

Oh, Saihara! I'm glad to hear from you,
and I'm glad you're feeling better!
I'll see you soon!
read 10:43am


After Shuichi finished with the messages, he had gone to put his phone down but before he could, Shuichi happened to notice another message, this one from an unknown ID. He was hesitant but opened the message..


Today 10:01am


Shuichi felt his blood run cold as he sat there in bed, staring at his phone. Who got his number? How did they get it? What did they mean by surprise? Questions, so many questions. All with no answers. Yet.

Shuichi took in a breath and put his phone down, standing up and shaking off his slightly creeped out feeling. He dragged himself out of bed and over to his wardrobe, it consist of a small closet space on top and three drawers underneath. Shuichi opened the doors and took out a shirt that was hung up, black of course. Then closed it. He opened up a drawer next, took out a pair of black jeans, then closed it too. Shuichi waisted no time getting dressed and after he did, he quickly grabbed his phone, sliding it into his pocket, then grabbed his jacket and headed out of his room.

As Shuichi made his way downstairs and to the front door, his phone started to ring. So as the detective was getting his shoes on and heading out the door, he picked up.

"Detective Saihara for the Saihara Agency, what can I do for you?" Shuichi spoke as he closed the door and locked it, heading down the sidewalk to get to the agency. Which wasn't ever too far of a walk.

"See you soon~" Was all the voice on the other line said before hanging up. Causing the detective to almost freeze in his tracks, his pace slowing significantly before instantly speeding up. Who the hell was that?! And what did they mean by 'see you soon'?!

Shuichi made sure to stay extra alert as he continued on walking to the agency. Once walking through the front doors, he let out a sigh of relief and smiled when he heard his best friend, Kaede, call his name.

"Hey! Shui-kun!" Kaede called out with a bright smile, looking well rested. That was a good thing as she didn't get much sleep. Being Shuichi's assistant wasn't very easy.

♧︎☘︎︎The Mafia Leader & The Detective☘︎︎♧︎|OumaSai|Where stories live. Discover now