♧︎☘︎︎Unexpected Visitor|Pt.1☘︎︎♧︎

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A/N: This chapter and the next will kinda be filler chapters, but the next one will also have light Oumasai to please the people of the court~


When Shuichi woke, he was on a slightly uncomfortable surface with a pounding headache. An image of what happened before he passed out flashed through the detectives head and caused him to shoot straight up and look around the room.

Black room, sun peaking through the thin navy blue curtains, black walls, black & navy blue bed in the top right corner of the room, black marble nightstand beside it, lined with gold, desk by the window on the left wall, the window on that wall displayed the bed, a few feet to the left of that desk was a wardrobe, the wall next to the wardrobe, being the front wall, had some shelves and a cabinet space, mainly filled with books and files. Then beside that cabinet space was the door. Beside the door was more wall that led to the bottom right corner of the room, there stood a black tv stand, across from the end of the detectives bed so it was easily viewed. He was home.

Shuichi took in a deep breath and sighed in relief, his hearts fast beating slowly calming down with every second. He did however get quite a scare when the phone on his nightstand dinged from a message. Shuichi was hesitant but picked up the phone and instantly felt a wave of worry wash over him, a bunch of missed messages from Kaede and Kaito were displayed on the screen. Shuichi sighed as he opened Kaede's first..


Shui-kun, you haven't shown at work yet, is everything alright?

Shuichi? It's almost midday, are you okay?
Did something happen?
Are you feeling okay?

Momo-kun said he hasn't seen you yet today either, are you sick?
Did you get hurt?

The work day's almost over Shui-kun, I'm going to think on a positive note and hopefully say you're sick, please continue to rest and feel better tomorrow!

I cleaned up your office and organized some case files, I hope to see you tomorrow!
Thursday (the day it was when the messages were sent)

Shui-kun, you're not at work again, are you still ill? If you are, rest and get better, but maybe try and message me or Momo-kun back? Besides that, all is well here at the office, I hope you get better soon!

Hey Shui-kun, I know Saturday's are your break days so you may or may not be at the office, but I just wanted to check in and say I hope you're doing okay!

I'm a little worried as no one's gotten a response from you in two days but I know you can protect yourself, so I'll try not to worry too much!
Today 6:31am

I'm so so so sorry I didn't answer soon!

I have been feeling pretty sick for the past few days, but I'm feeling better today!

Despite it being my break day, I'll still make a trip to the office for a little, so I'll see you soon!
Sorry for causing you to worry!

Shui-kun, it's alright! I'm just glad you're okay!

I'll see you when you stop by, goodbye for now!
read 10:32am


After informing Kaede that he was okay, Shuichi then moved on and opened Kaito's messages..

♧︎☘︎︎The Mafia Leader & The Detective☘︎︎♧︎|OumaSai|Where stories live. Discover now