Chapter 7 My First Day on the Job

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I'm gonna do most of the chapters with Percy POV because its easier. And I'm too lazy.

Percy POV:

I sighed. How in frickin Hades was I supposed to find where the Hunt was? Chaos then spoke in my head telling me to find a pull in my mind. I tried it and pinpointed the Hunt's location in Barcelona. I smirked and jumped off Olympus. All I could feel was the adrenaline pumping through my veins. Just before I hit the ground, a enormous bolt of lightning that would have made Ouranos jealous struck me. I appeared out of nowhere right above the Hunt. And by right above I mean several kilometers above them. I whooped and dived. Soon I started to see silver tents and people walking about. Everybody started to look up at me. I was literally a meteor. I was falling so fast that I was splitting the atoms around me repeatedly making me look like a fireball. I could hear them start to scream and run. Artemis remained rooted to where she was and I was heading straight for her. I smirked. Payback time. When I was around 2 meters from her, I summoned energy for another wind jump. The force of the lightning bolt blew her backward several meters. I then smashed down in the middle of the camp creating a huge crater.

As the dust cleared, I looked up happily grinning. Artemis came out of the woods screaming, "What the hell was that for!" I grinned and cheekily replied, "Well you are the one who left me on Olympus without giving me a hint of where the Hunt is. She grumbled something about stupid males and walked off. My instincts suddenly started going crazy. With my increased senses, I heard a faint whoosh coming from behind me. I quickly turned around and caught a silver arrow. "WHO ARE YOU BOY AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO OUR CAMP!" Well, so much for introducing myself. Artemis came and told her and the rest of the huntresses about me being their new guardian and who I am. After Artemis' explanation, the huntress who shot at me came and said, "Are you THE Percy Jackson? The two-time savior of Olympus?" "Yeah, I guess so", came my reply.

After that all the girls behaved nicely and came and introduced themselves. AN: I'll tell you the names of the girls and their godly parent at the end of the chapter. I warily shook hands with all of them. I suspected something was going on. And I was right.

Time Skip, courtesy of Kronos...

Guardian of the Hunt? More like slave of the Hunt! I've been doing the chores that the girls are supposed to do and they torture me by pranking me like hell. One of the older huntresses also trapped me and carved words like pigs, filthy males, you get the idea. I didn't tell Artemis because I was too noble. Whenever I see Artemis I get butterflies in my stomach. I was taking the washed and folded clothes back to the hunters when a herd of stags began stampeding my way. The only thing behind me was a cliff. I sighed and jumped.


Tanya- Daughter of Ares

Phoebe- I don't get why most fanfictions set after HOO have Phoebe in them. I mean, she died in the attack at San Juan by Orion. So no Phoebe.

Marie- Daughter of Hypnos

Thalia- Daughter of Zeus (Obviously)

Atlanta- Daughter of Apollo

Margaret- Mortal

Brianna- Nymph

Katherine- Daughter of Thanatos

Joanne- Daughter of Hephaestus

Tara- Daughter of Athena

Scarlet- Daughter of Aphrodite

Please comment guys! How am I supposed to know if the story is good or not? Thanks to VD1507 for your comments.

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