I make a big mistake

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 Chapter 5

Artemis POV:

I was having a lovely day with the rest of my hunters. We had a free day and we were talking and laughing. Just then I heard thunder boom far away. "I've got to go girls. Seems that my father is calling a council meeting". I looked at Thalia and said, "You're in charge." It hurt me to see one of my sisters looking so glum and depressed. She had been like that ever since Perseus disappeared from camp. We had reached camp a few weeks earlier only to be told by Annabeth that Perseus had cheated on her and then ran away. The only group of people who didn't believe her were a group of Perseus' old friends and Thalia. I had started to respect him as the only decent demigod male in the whole world and he turned out to be like every other male. I flashed to Olympus and gasped at what I saw. Perseus was kneeling on the floor all bruised and battered. I looked at him in pity and then remembered what he did. At that moment, my Roman counterpart Diana started to argue with me. She reminded me that Perseus was different from other demigods and that his fatal flaw was loyalty therefore he couldn't do any of these things. I accepted her theory and wondered how this meeting would turn out. When he asked to die, I felt a strange pain clutching at my heart. Whenever I looked at him I would get butterflies in my stomach. When Zeus adopted him and apologized to his brothers to say I was surprised would be an understatement. I felt Dad's presence enter my head. "Daughter, I do not wish for Percy to die. He shall be the guardian of your hunt. Monsters have been grouping up to attack demigods and I fear for you safety. I am not saying that you or your hunters are weak but your numbers have been less lately and your hunt is weaker. And before you say anything, I will make him swear not to flirt with your hunters and not to be romantically involved with any of them. Happy now?" I couldn't argue with Dad after what he said. I said, "Fine. But if anything happens you're responsible." Dad said, "I will make sure nothing happens daughter."

He then told Perseus that he was to guard the hunt. But honestly, if I was forced to pick a guardian, Perseus was the first person that I would choose. He is kind, caring, loyal and handso... what am I thinking? I am a maiden goddess. I cannot fall in love! I shook my head and focused on Perseus. When Father told that he was to be the Guardian of the Hunt his mouth dropped open. Then he fainted.

Percy POV:

When Zeus told me that I was supposed to guard the Hunt my mouth dropped open and then everything went black. I woke up again to see Artemis looking hurt and the rest of the gods and goddesses looking shocked, happy or surprised. Zeus said, "It has come to my notice lately that monsters have been grouping up to attack demigods but they mainly go for the Hunt. This is Hunt is vulnerable to attacks right now since they are so few in number. That is why I have decided to make Percy their Guardian. I said, "No way. I'll be back in a doggy bag after the first day. There is a reason why they are called man- haters and I am not gonna find out why." Zeus said, "Please Percy. I hate seeing or putting any one of my children in danger and you are the strongest demigod this world has ever seen. I also know that you are loyal to a fault and would never harm or flirt with them. Please son." I sighed and said, "Fine. Where do I sign up?" Zeus smiled and gestured towards Artemis. She scowled at me and started to ask me to repeat after her. I didn't let her finish and said, "I Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon and adopted son of Zeus and Hera swear my loyalty to Artemis and her Hunt and will listen to her every command. I also swear that I won't flirt or be romantically involved with any member of her Hunt. I swear this oath on Chaos and the River Styx." When I finished the oath, the whole council was staring at me wide eyed. I asked, "What did I do now?" I then realised that I sweared on Chaos' name and quickly put my hand over my mouth. Suddenly, the whole room darkened and a deep voice said, "Who dares swear on my name?" 

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