I become very angry

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Me: I'm to lazy to do the disclaimer. Perce, you can do it.

Percy: Oh no no no no no no ( continues).

Annabeth: Stop whining Percy. I'll do it.

Annabeth: The PJO or HOO series does not belong to the author. Our creator is Rick Riordan.

Me: See, that's all you have to say.

Chapter 2

Percy POV: ( Continuation of flashback)

I finished eating and thought about where my Wise Girl would be. And suddenly my brain clicked. "Of course, she's at the beach". I quickly ran to the beach and looked for the secret spot that me and Annabeth had found. It was a beautiful clearing on the beach. When the tides were high, the ocean would reach our feet and the moonlight would shine down on the sea. The forest was at our back and we would lie there talking and relaxing. When I reached there, I saw Nathan and some blond making out in the middle of the clearing. I grew suspicious and crept closer to see who the blond was. A part of my brain was saying that it was probably another Aphrodite camper but another part of my brain said that it looked like Annabeth. I crept close enough to eavesdrop on their conversation. They broke apart and Nathan said," When are you gonna dump that loser of my brother Annabeth?" My heart broke into a million pieces when I heard her name. Annabeth said," I will do it tonight Nathan. I love you much more than I ever loved him. " My chest started hurting and the heartbreak was replaced by anger and betrayal. I stepped out and said," So this is why you weren't present for dinner. You were busy sucking on my brother's face. Do you know why I was missing for three months? I was busy doing the 12 fricking labours of Hercules! I was doing them for your mother's approval for me to marry you! And instead, when I come back, I find you cheating on me with my idiotic excuse for a brother! I was gonna ask you to marry me tonight but I guess I won't need this anymore!" With that, I took the the ring and sliced it in half with Riptide.

 Throughout all this, Annabeth was sitting there smirking at me and my brother had a smug look on his face. She then said," I never loved you. I only pretended to love you because I would get fame as the girlfriend of the Savior of Olympus. You were just a tool for me." With that, the seas started raging, category 9 earthquakes started taking place all over the globe, hurricanes and tornadoes started ravaging camp and a huge crack appeared in the earth splitting the two apart. I ran out of camp before I could do anymore damage and stood just outside the camp barriers. I then let let out a roar that would rival Zeus' shout and punched my fist in the ground. The ground all around me in a 1 mile radius except the patch I was standing on was blasted into the sky. When I finally calmed down and looked around me, there was a huge crater around me and the camp's barrier was shattered with tiny cracks all over it. It stood there for a second and then it broke and fell like glass. I went back into the camp and took all my belongings except for the photos of me and Annabeth. These I slashed to pieces. I then wrote a note to everybody that still cared about me which were Chiron, Thalia, Nico, Clarrise and Chris.                                                                                                        " To Nico, Thalia, Chris, Clarisse and Chiron and the Olympians                           Guys, I will be leaving camp for... I don't know how long actually. I have to leave to get over Annabeth cheating on me with Nathan. All campers except you all have shunned and ignored me. Many of them blamed me for things I never did. I will be leaving to get over the betrayal and pain. I'm asking all of you, please do not search for me. I want to be left alone for some time. Thalia and Nico, you guys were like the brother and sister that I never had. Chris and Clarisse, thank you for standing by me. You two are the best and most loyal friends that I could ask for. Chiron, thank you for being there for me starting from when I was 12 and making me who I am today. You are like a second father to me. Father, thank you for helping me and being at my side. I will always be proud to be your son. And the rest of the Olympians, all of you have helped me in one way or the other. If I hadn't recognized you helping me then, I definitely do now. Please do not search for me as I will come to you i my own way and my own time. Thank you all.                                     - Perseus Achilles Jackson                                                   

(Flashback end)

And there I was, looking at the sea one last time before I left. I walked through the camp, keeping my head low. Thankfully nobody stopped me. I stopped at the top of Half- Blood Hill and looked back at my home one last time. Then I disappeared over the crest of the hill.

Sorry for the short chapter. My exams are coming up and I need to study. Also this is my first story but I forgot to mention that in the last chapter. Critics are very much appreciated as long as they help me to improve this story. And the third chapter will be coming soon. False alarm about this chapter coming in a couple weeks.

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