I get handed a death sentence

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Chapter 4

Percy POV:

There was an immediate uproar from the council. Athena looked ashamed of her daughter's actions, Apollo and Hermes were sitting on their thrones blankly with their mouth open and their eyes bugging out, Artemis looked plain shocked probably cause a man had his heart broken by a woman, Demeter and Hera were sitting on their thrones, their faces an emotionless mask, Aphrodite looked sad, Hephaestus had stopped his tinkering and was looking at me with pity and sympathy probably cause he knew how it was to get your heart broken by someone you love( cough... Aphrodite...cough ), Zeus looked as if somebody had stuck his masterbolt up his arse, Poseidon was crying and hugging me for dear life, Hestia was staring sadly at the hearth, Hades had shadows swirling around him and he was gripping his throne so hard that his knuckles were white and Ares and Dionysus were looking as if Christmas had come early. Ares said," Could we kill him dad? Could we please?" The next second, they both were pinned to the floor by the prongs of a trident( Expected Poseidon), their hair was standing straight up with electricity crackling through it( Shocking Zeus), a stygian iron sword that radiated death was pointed at their faces( Aaahh it's Hades), owls were pecking them all over( Nice Athena), their clothes were burning( Thanks Hestia) and they both were in a box that said, To be shipped to Madagascar with a ribbon tied by Hermes. Did I mention that the box looked like a porcupine with silver and golden quills? No? Well it did, courtesy of Apollo and Artemis.

I was sitting there blankly processing all that had happened. Dad had helped me that was expected, Zeus... and I thought he hated me, Hades.. that was unexpected too, Athena most probably did it because of her daughter and because she made me do all the labours, Hermes and Apollo was expected and unexpected. I had a hint that they would vote against me dying but they're gods. Very unpredictable, I was probably one of Hestia's favorite demigods, and Artemis... just hearing her name gives me butterflies in my stomach. At times she is so cut... wait wait wait timeout. Do not finish that sentence. Repeat after yourself, I am not falling for Artemis, I am not falling for Arte... "Perce, bro you ok?" Apollo asked. I was broken out of my mental argument and brought back to Olympus. I said," Yeah Apollo. Soooo, I guess you guys aren't gonna kill me..."

Third Person POV:

"Soooo, I guess you guys aren't gonna kill me...", said Percy. Zeus said," Perseus, as much as I hate your father, I can't bring my self to hate you. You are one of the most loyal and selfless demigods I have ever seen in my whole four and a half millennia of living. And I daresay you are the most powerful demigod ever to be born and I wish that you are my son. However, to be a child of one of my brothers and impress me this much is impossible. But I must say nephew, I and Hera have grown to love you as a son. So I am asking, are you willing to be adopted by Hera and me?" He said the last part looking hopefully at Percy. The whole council was sitting there with their jaws on the floor. Poseidon then stood up. "I Poseidon, King of the Seas allow Zeus to adopt Perseus." Percy all throughout this was kneeling at the same spot slack jawed. Hermes came down from his throne and said," Earth to Percy, Hello, Hello are you in there cuz?" Percy finally said, "But what about having Dad as my Dad?" Zeus chuckled. "Nothing will happen to your relation with my brother. You will instead have two fathers. Poseidon, thank you for letting me and my wife to adopt your son. I still love you two and hope we can get over our grudges and be brothers again." When he got no reply Zeus looked up only to be engulfed in two enormous hugs. "I love you brothers", all three of them said in unison. They then grinned at each other and hugged each other once more. Apollo and Hermes slapped each other twice to make sure it was real and then grinned at each other. They both said," Oh hell yeah" The rest of the gods and godessess' came out of their stupor. Zeus said," I Zeus King of the Gods, adopt Perseus Jackson as my son." Thunder boomed sealing the oath. Zeus and Hera came down to human form and hugged him. "Welcome to the family son", said Hera. Zeus then looked at Artemis and had one of these telepathic conversations that gods always do and Percy watched as she turned as red as a tomato and looked like steam was about to spew out of her ears and then slumped down on her throne accepting defeat. Zeus said," Percy, do you wish to die because you have nothing to live for, no purpose?" Percy said yes. "Then you shall be the guardian of the Hunt." 

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