
After classes, that day Sirius and I decided to walk back to the common room together. The other boys wanted to meet there during dinner so no one else would be around to hear our conversation. I had no idea what this meeting was for, but James insisted that it was urgent.

Sirius and I were casually talking as we walked, and none other than Sadie turned the corner at the end of the hall. Once she saw us she ran over, clearly excited about something. She had her friend Sybil with her, her frizzy hair and large glasses making her hard to miss.

"Estella look! I got a picture of my cat in my dormitory! Isn't she incredible?" Sadie sighed, showing me the picture of the orange cat sitting on the windowsill.

I pretended to be surprised by the photo, looking at it with wonder and interest

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I pretended to be surprised by the photo, looking at it with wonder and interest. Sirius squinted his eyes at me before he took the photo and examined it as well.

"That's really cool Sadie! Now you can remember her forever" I nodded.

"Actually, I feel like the cat is a boy. Just a hunch though. It's really hard to tell for sure" She shrugged, snatching the photo out of Sirius' hand and putting it into her bag. Sybill hasn't stopped staring at me this entire time, and yet she hasn't said a word.

"Sybil, right? I'm Estella" I gave her a small wave, but she just gulped and gave me somewhat of a scared look.

"C'mon Sybil, let's get going" Sadie shook her head as if this happened all the time, grabbing Sybil's arm and pulling her away from us. "See you later guys!" She called to us as she walked down the hall.

"You are really sneaky, you know that?" Sirius chuckled as we continued walking to Gryffindor Tower.

"What do you mean?" I asked, playing dumb.

"You're Sadie's cat, aren't you?" He asked, but it was clear he already knew the answer.

"Look, keep your voice down, okay?" I urged him, but he gave me a knowing look and I sighed. "Alright, I may have turned into a cat at the beginning of the year when Sadie and I were fighting to put her in a better mood. What's the harm in that?" I shrugged.

"And you kept it going because...?" He shook his head.

"Well... She loved the cat so much and... I didn't want her to be upset if it suddenly disappeared" I sighed. "Being separated from each other was hard for Sadie. She was upset that she got sorted into Ravenclaw at first. She needed something to look forward to, and I figured I could provide it"

"This is a new level of overprotective sister," Sirius said, clearly amused by the whole thing.

"You have a little brother! I'm sure you get overprotective too" I gave him a look.

"Yea, but I've never turned into a dog and forced him to pet me to make him feel better" He laughed.

"You're just a boy. It's different with girls, especially Sadie. She's really sensitive and emotional for someone her age. Her favorite things in the world are books and cats. I made sure both of things were accessible to her here at Hogwarts" I shrugged, seeing nothing wrong with what I did.

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