"What's all the commotion?"

Trinity gulped. She shouldn't have asked herself the question. Now she was about to get the answer. Crap. Don't stutter, don't stutter, don't stutter.

"Oh, Gio is throwing a food tantrum. Peter, this is Trinity. She's Gio's friend from work."

Peter held out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Trinity. Welcome to our home."

"Nice to meet you," Trinity shook his hand happy he didn't hold onto her longer than necessary.

"You work under Dante, if I'm not mistaken," Anna added.

Trinity nodded with a smile.

"That so? How's he treating you? Well, I hope?"

"He is, thank you," she whispered, thanking the lord her tongue behaved.

Despite not stuttering, Peter's full attention was on her. He was studying her. If she hadn't looked up at the precise moment she did, she would have missed his narrowed eyes. Did she say something wrong? Crap! Where the heck was Gio and Mirabella?

"My son told me a lot about you. You guys seemed to have hit it off," he smiled.

"He's been a great friend to me."

"Only a friend?" Anna's voice was full of hope.

Trinity's head whipped to Anna. Oh boy. "Oh, um, yes. We...we're friends."

Gio saved her from having to explain the dynamic of their relationship, sliding into the room on his socks with a stack of pizzas in hand. Mirabella ran after him with a bunch of other boxes Trinity assumed was garlic bread or whatever other appetizer they ordered. That was a lot of food. Should she offer to pay for herself?

"What are we talking about?" Gio looked at his mom suspicious.

"Your mother wants to know why Trinity isn't your girlfriend," Peter answered exasperated.

Gio clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. "Mom, me and Trinity are just friends. Besides, Uncle Dante called dibs. I will not break the bro code. Jeez."

Trinity felt her eyes grow. How could Gio say that?! She couldn't help but slide her gaze at Peter who was staring at her. If he wasn't curious or suspicious before, he certainly was now.

"I told him I'm not looking for a relationship," Trinity quickly assured. She better tell them the reason. "M-m-my husband died two weeks ago."

The kitchen fell silent. Great. Maybe telling them was a mistake. But it had to be done. She didn't want any of them thinking she was using Dante or his family for any type of financial gain. She didn't want anything. Now that David was dead, she stood to earn money from the eventual sale of their home and from a small life insurance policy. But she couldn't say all of that.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry, Trinity. I didn't know," Anna's fingers were pressed to her lips.

"There was no way you would have known. It's okay," Trinity assured.

Anna darted daggers at her son, but Gio only shrugged. Trinity could imagine Anna wasn't too happy Gio neglected to inform her of the important parts. But why would he? He probably told his parents he was having a friend over and that was the extent of it. No need to tell them about her personal life. In actuality, it made her feel good. Gio wasn't a blabber mouth. A good quality to have in a friend.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Trinity. Tell me, how old are you?"

"Dad! Seriously?!" Mirabella stomped her foot.

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