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Was I dead?

No one knew the answer to that.

My head felt like it had taken several kicks to it by a horse, and my eyelids felt like they were weighted down with iron. It took me many times before I was finally able to crack open my eyes, wincing at the bright light.

I had to be dead.

I blinked a few times to clear my vision, the pounding behind my eyes keeping me from recalling where I was, but once I registered the pain and the ache in my body, I was able to pinpoint the last few hours with a vengeance. 

There was nothing that I could see to tell me where I was or what day it was, what time it was. A startled whimper escaped my throat when I unconsciously tried to sit up to get a better understanding of my surroundings, but my abused body immediately lit up with immense agony, reminding me that I shouldn't move at all. I let out a sigh as I took a few breaths, trying to calm my panic and anxiety so that my pain would slowly lessen. 

The first thing I noticed was that I was in some kind of luxuriously delegated bedroom instead of being helplessly sprawled out on the wet and hard ground of Devil's Tombstone. I was completely clean— free of the dirt, and the massive amount of blood as I was left to die in the cold storm. I was lying in the middle of what seemed to be a very large and very soft bed with black sheets. "Huh?" I wondered out loud, looking up to the light.

The bright light source seemed to be coming from a small diamond-encrusted gold chandelier that hung from the ceiling, illuminating the entire room. It was so beautiful, the way the light danced off of the diamond. My eyes returned to my body and I noticed I had on nothing but boxers— a fresh pair, but I was covered up to my waist with a black silk sheet pooling around my hips as I rubbed my fingers over the silky material, wondering who saved me.

Where in the world was I?

I heard the ripping of paper and I turned to see a bright red-haired boy, around the same age as me, with dark eyes and glasses, and what was peculiar about him other than the bright smile he gave me was the two identical holes that sat atop his jugular. He was tearing up bloody bandages, throwing them into a trash basin as he opened some sort of clear container, allowing pearl-colored liquid to flow onto my body.

"Are you the one who saved me?" I tilted my head. It would seem so, since he was the one taking off my bandages, applying some sort of salve to my bruised skin. I thought so, but he didn't have the same eyes as the person who saved me, nor did he have that rich olive skin that belonged to that same person.

"Oh, no!" The boy giggled, shaking his head as he pushed up the glasses on his face. "That would be my Master. My name is Kenzo Drake," The red-haired boy waved at me and I nodded, a sigh of relief leaving my chest as he handed me a glass of water. I took it from him, feeling dehydrated all of a sudden.

I blinked in absolute confusion, chugging down the cool and refreshing water. "I'm Eli Velacruz. Nice to meet you," I couldn't help but feel at ease as he smiled at me, though I was wondering who this master was.

I studied my skin, sure to see a bunch of bloody wounds and cuts from where the glass made its indent, but all I got was small bruises here and there, some purple and some blue. I was sure I had tons of broken bones from where my body slammed against the ceiling, but I only had the remainder of soreness.


Whatever sorcery this was, it needed to stop. "¿Qué?" I muttered as the salve starting tingling, offering a light feeling. Kenzo chuckled, giving me a toothy grin as I began to panic internally, my heartbeat rising, surpassing normal levels. "Please relax, Eli. I know you're confused, but I don't want my master to think that I'm in here hurting you," He put a finger up to his lips in a playful shushing manner. "Any questions you have, my Master will answer them for you."

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