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I could remember walking along the beach, the bright and hot rays of the sun nearly hot enough to cover me in an invisible blanket of warmth. I could remember the happy smile that permeated my cheeks as I looked out to the west, seeing the beautiful, crystal clear waves crashing against the cliffs. I could remember rubbing my little sister Tatianna's head as she clung to my leg, watching the seagulls joyfully fly around in circles in the air, the warm, golden-white sand running between my toes along with the gentle breeze of the crisp wind. 

I could remember walking along the shore, a calm serenity soothing my racing mind, finding shiny shells that have been washed into the shore by the rippling of the water. I could remember my worries disappearing with the sound of the waves.

That was the power of Varadero Beach in Havana, Cuba.

My hometown. 

But unfortunately, I was knocked out of my reminiscing by familiar yelling. "Stop being such a pussy, Eli!" I blinked back to the present, passing through the double doors of East Ravenwood High in Denver, Colorado. 

"Ah, I would appreciate it if you stopped calling my boyfriend such vulgar names." My girlfriend Michelle Gomez rolled her eyes at my best friend Hunter Steele before kissing me on the cheek. "It's disturbing what you think of in your mind." I snickered to myself as I waved to oncoming classmates, raising my brow. "Don't be mad because you don't have the skills I do, bro," I winked and he pouted.

I chuckled at Hunter's sad face before tossing him my middle finger.

"You're supposed to be supporting me, Eli!" He screeched, his puppy dog brown eyes falling to the floor as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair. "Am I really though?" I chuckled, unable to help myself with teasing my best friend of 10 years. 

"I see how it is," Hunter mumbled in a sad manner and I reached over to throw my arm around his shoulder, pulling him into me. "Of course I'll always support you, man of Steele," I made a pun of his last name and he shook his head with a snort, enticing a giggle from Michelle. "But call me such mean things again and I'll beat you with a chancla, pendejo," Of course, I meant it in a playful manner. 

I couldn't help but mess with him. He had such a puppy dog face, one that made me want to tease him more and more. 

I listened to Michelle and Hunter bark at each other, enjoying the tall dome that hovered over the entrance of the school. East Ravenwood truly was amazing. "Later, we can go and get lunch from that diner that you both like so—" My voice was cut off by a robotic voice.

"Eli Velacruz, please report to the principal's office."

I blinked in anticipation at the sound of my name echoing off of the school intercom, tilting my head slightly. Hunter and Michelle shared a stare, smirks on their lips. "What has the perfect little student been up to, huh?" With a flick of her blonde hair, she threw a cherry-flavored kiss my way. "Well go on, babe," Michelle shooed me in the direction of the principal's office and I scowled, watching her drag Hunter away so they could go to class.

I just shook my head, making my way towards the office to see what it was that they needed from me. "Good morning, Eli!" I threw a smile to a fellow student that I recognized, pushing a stray strand of my light-brown out of my eyes. "Good morning to you too!" I replied cheerily, passing them. "Good luck today at practice, Eli!" A girl this time said to me with a wave and I nodded thanks in her direction. 

I sighed happily, enjoying the fact that my day was already off to a good start. It was nice, you know, being a person that had it all. 

Not being full of myself or anything because I always made sure that I was humble no matter what, but I made sure and I tried to be the perfect son to my parents, the best brother to my siblings, the best boyfriend to my girlfriend Michelle, the best captain and teammate on and off the track field, while maintaining my perfect GPA.

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