Robbie huffs for the hundredth time in the past hour. "I have plans," he says bluntly, walking past me and into the kitchen. "My life doesn't revolve around them."

"But... it's only dinner."

I follow close behind, and I can hear him groan. "Pathetic," he mutters under his breath, making me frown as he takes a glass from the cupboard. "Why is it a big deal? Seriously, Danielle, you're getting so obsessed with spending time with me and it's fucking draining."

"What are you talking about?"

He shakes his head as he fills his glass up with water, leaning against the counter. "Can you just fuck off?" he snaps. "I have plans. End of."

That's where the conversation stops, because Robbie grimaces at my watering eyes and hits his shoulder past mine as he leaves the house. I've no idea what his problem is, the past few weeks he's been so distant, we barely talk, and when I ask him if we're okay, he shrugs.

Tapping a small monitor built into my kitchen counter, I record a message to send to Ains, asking her to come with me to the dinner tonight while I contain my sniffs. I don't mind going on my own, but it will probably result in me being left alone with Eric while Mum and Dad fawn over each other all night.

A beep sounds and Ainsley's voice echoes throughout the house, just as Eric walks in the front door, typing away on his tablet. "I can't tonight, I'm busy. Why isn't Robbie going? Oh, and I saw Eric walking up to yours, so you better get dressed, or..." She giggles, and I feel all the blood drain from my face. "Just don't get dressed. It's been, what? Three... four weeks without sex? You must be gagging." My eyes shut as Eric cocks a brow at me, and I desperately need her voice note to stop. "Anyways, I love you and say hi to Belinda."

I keep my eyes closed as my forehead meets the kitchen counter. Eric clears his throat, an obvious smile on his face as he speaks. "Well, that explains a lot."

I look up at him, scowling through my swollen, red eyes. "What do you want, Eric? Haven't you annoyed me enough today?"

Tilting his head, he scans my face with a look of disgust. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm not." I wipe my eyes with my sleeve and take a deep breath. "Why are you here?"

He tosses papers on the counter and takes a seat beside me. "Robert," he says, pointing to my boyfriend's shift schedule. "He only works three days a week and has done for a while. Didn't you say he only has a Sunday off? I saw him the other day when he was supposed to be working."

I lift the paper, scanning it, my eyes widening. "Are you just trying to get a rise out of me?" I ask, placing the paper down again and glaring at him. "Is this even real?"

He cocks a brow. "I have absolutely no reason to lie about it, Dan. My job is only to keep you safe, but this stuff..." He points down to the paperwork on the counter. "I can't let slide. He's lying to you and you need to ask him why. I can't take any chances of him bringing someone here and risking your safety. She could be using him to get to you."

My eyes narrow at him. "He isn't cheating on me."

Eric and I hate each other, like I would do anything to have him swapped or even to have one full day without him barging into my life. I get it, it's his job to look after me and there are people out there that don't like me, but for him to look into my relationship and show me this, I'm not sure that's in his job description.

"I don't trust him."

"Why did you look in the first place?" I ask, turning to face him. My knee bumps against his, causing the annoying lad to look down and tense his jaw. "What was your reason?"

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