"Namjoon!", Taehyung yelled into the phone the second the older had picked it up. "What the hell?!"
"Look", Namjoon inhaled deeply, "I know you are probably mad right now and you don't understand but it is for the best to keep you in there for a few days. You have your own bathroom and we will bring you food three times a day, okay? I'll make sure you get your homework so you can still keep up with school."

"What the hell, Namjoon? I'm not staying in one room for days. Not with him!"

"We have to figure out a way how to execute Jungkook peacefully", Namjoon hummed, "He is too dangerous to keep around."
"Execute him?!", Taehyung yelled out, "You idiots aren't executing him at all. Figure out a way to upgrade his system but not kill him."

"I can't promise anything but we will try to find a way", Namjoon hummed. "For now stay calm and make the best out of it. Maybe you can change him a little on your own, he listens to you incredibly well."

"I hate you", Taehyung grumbled and then ended the call, turning to Jungkook. "Seems like you and me will have a lot of time to ourselves."

"Can we finally fuck then?", Jungkook asked in excitement but Taehyung only shook his head, "No."

"It's cute how they only got scared now when I already got all the damage done days ago", Jungkook chuckled, thinking to himself that he did everything right.
"What damage", Taehyung gasped, his breath hitching a little at that. "What the fuck did you do Kook-"

"I hacked myself into the system and made sure that this spaceship will self-explode in one year from now. But don't worry, we will be far gone by then", Jungkook smiled innocently. "I just had to make sure every trace of human beings is finally vanished from this universe, so-"

"You did WHAT"

"I hacked myself into the-"
"I understood you the first time", Taehyung cut him off and then grabbed him by shirt, pushing him back down on the bed, "What is wrong with you?"

"I think humans deserve no right to live", Jungkook shrugged, "So I'll kill them all."

"How are you even smart enough to hack yourself into such a complex system?", Taehyung asked in disbelief. "I can't remember programming you into a genius."

"Well, lucky me that I'm half your work and half made by the devil", Jungkook giggled, "Fun fact, if it wasn't the 666th try, I might have turned out to be a sweet and innocent flower boy who loves pink and unicorns."
"I regret all my life decisions right now", Taehyung grumbled a little annoyed. What would he give to make Jungkook less weird and evil but a little nicer and caring. The boy let himself fall down on the bed as well, head pushed into the pillow as he started sighing nonstop. Days in one room with Jungkook sounded like both, heaven and hell.
The younger however only saw the fun part in this and immediately started undressing until he sat there in his tiny boxers, "No social interaction means no need to wear proper clothes", he giggled and then started pulling on Taehyung's pants, "Undress, undress, undress!"

"Fuck off", Tae sighed. Then he pushed the boy's hands off his butt and sat down across him, looking at him sternly. "Why can't you be a good person?", he asked.
"I could", Jungkook shrugged, "But do you want me to?"

"I do", Taehyung said, "Kinda."

"See", Kook smiled, "You don't really want to. We could just end the human existence together and then move to another planet and have sex all the time, why do you wanna play the hero so bad?"
"I don't want to play the hero. I couldn't care less about these people on here", Taehyung said, "But if you don't adjust to the rules soon, they will kill you and I certainly don't want that."

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