How to Deal with a Broken Heart

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Shay bit her lip in thought as she prepared for the day, taking a bite out of an apple while looking through her wardrobe. It wasn't like she was paying any particular attention to how she dressed. Although she was aware that she chose clothes that weren't exactly cheap--it was kind of her guilty pleasure--she always did dress for both comfort and style. There was nothing bad about wanting to look good while feeling comfortable at the same time. She ignored the nagging at the back of her mind that was telling her she was being particularly picky that morning because she was conscious about being around Sasha.

She finally decided on her clothes, and she carelessly pushed her glasses up her nose as she did. While Sasha was uncomfortable at having people see her in glasses, Shay was actually more embarrassed. She had taken measures so she wouldn't be seen in public with them on. She always had her contacts with her, and she never failed to have a spare around, just in case. And her glasses slipping down her nose was just annoying.

But that was the extent of her being self-conscious. She was actually mostly chill about most things, although of course being in the industry she was in came with a lot of stress and it required a lot of focus. But it had always been easy enough for her to switch between being Shay and being whichever role she was currently playing. Personally, however, she liked modeling a lot more than she liked acting. But being in PLL was one of the best things that ever happened to her. She had gotten most of the deals in the past years because people had taken a particular interest to her through PLL.

She put on the last of her makeup, mind going back to what she was going to be doing that day. Her weekends were actually a default hang out day with the girls, particularly Ashley, her best friend. But she had offered her day up for Sasha, something she was even surprised about after she got home the previous night. But she thought about Sasha and how different her relationship was with the rest of them. And for a while, she hadn't really been a part of the group really. It couldn't be easy feeling a little left out, especially with a very close nit group as the four actresses of the Liars.

She slipped on her aviators, giving herself a last look on her mirror, and then making her way to her car to pick up a certain blonde she'd taken an interest to. Whether it was more than friendship wasn't even in her mind, yet, and she wasn't ready to even think about something like that. So for now she was telling herself she was just reaching out to someone who was going through a break up.


Sasha was still pouting when they settled in for ice cream.

"Hey, come on."

Sasha eyed her with a scowl, before sighing. "You should have let me pay for lunch."

Shay only laughed. "This day's my treat." She licked off a bit of the chocolate chip ice cream she'd gotten, completely missing how Sasha's eyes had dropped to focus on the movement. "Besides, we make too much for that amount of money to make any difference."

"That's not the point."

Shay dropped her wrist, before shrugging. "You can pay for dinner."

Sasha's eyebrows raised, but she nodded. She didn't think they were going to spend literally the whole day together, but she realized that she actually wanted that. She'd actually found herself curled up that morning not wanting to move, and for a relationship she wasn't that invested in, she felt unnecessarily affected, but she was eighteen and wanting to have someone to hold her for the sake of just holding her, and she didn't have someone who could do that anymore.

Shay was probably aware that she was going to feel that way, hence her efforts to distract her that day. Now that Shay had mentioned wanting to extend their day into the night, she only had to think about how to deal with her emotions after they part, and hopefully she'd be tired enough to think about her break up by then.

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