How People See Us

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"You're really touchy." Hanna tilted her head a little as she voiced out her observation to Shay, one of her closest friends, her eyes flicking towards Sasha who was walking away to talk to whoever was in charge in the Spa they were visiting that day. Sasha had been leaning her shoulder on Shay's shoulder while waiting to be called and Shay had had her arm draped across Sasha's legs, hand hanging off to the other side.

Shay looked up at Ashley, halfway into popping an almond into her mouth. Her movement slowed, but she popped it into her mouth anyway, and waited until she had chewed and swallowed before answering. "Am I not always?"

Ashley considered for a second. "You're right. Hugger, cuddler. I still remember almost completely carrying you when we went home from the club on your birthday. Because you refused to let go of me."

Shay blushed, and it was barely visible over her tanned skin. "I told you not to get me drunk."

"I repeatedly told you to stop drinking about two hours before we went home!" Ashley laughed, tipping the champagne glass to her lips to take a small sip.

"Uh-huh. Yeah. And an hour after that you invited everyone for shots."

"You didn't have to participate."

Shay gave her an incredulous look. "On my birthday?"

Ashley laughed again. "Then it wasn't a problem to get drunk."

Shay gave up trying to defend her dignity, and slumped in her seat. Ashley smiled at her and leaned back into her seat, too. "I kinda miss you. Our schedules haven't been synced for over a month now."

Shay couldn't make herself regret that because she'd made a really great friend in Sasha, but she smiled back at the blonde in front of her. "I missed you, too. It's entirely your fault. We were supposed to go out every month."

Ashley looked mock affronted, but she barked out a laugh anyway. "Why is everything my fault?"

"Hey, I invited you to this spa thing already. I'm the more proactive half of this friendship."

"That sounds sexual."

Shay and Ashley both turned towards the voice, Ashley's grin transforming into a smirk. "You know Shay. Always wants to be on top."


"Sexy on the sheets," Sasha added, baiting the lone brunette in the group, and she smirked back at Ashely before looking at Shay, who had turned a very interesting shade of red.

Shay's mouth dropped open, before she shook her head. "I regret inviting you," she grumbled at Ashley.

Ashley just laughed, and she watched, half-amused and half-fascinated, when Sasha pressed her side to Shay's, and Sasha wrapped her arm around Shay to pull the taller girl down so she could place a chaste kiss to Shay's forehead. Shay's pout melted into a smile and she bumped her hip playfully against Sasha's, placated already.


The two of them looked up to Ashley who was looking at them as if she couldn't believe she had just seen what she did, but there was only curiosity in her gaze and not judgment. Ashley knew how two people who were progressively developing feelings together acted and this was like a prototypical example that Shay and Sasha were doing. She wondered if either of them noticed it, or it the heteronormative society they lived in made the two of them just a little bit wary of making any conclusions. From the slightly confused look Shay had given Ashley when Ashley had asked about her being touchy, Shay was at least on the wary end.

Ashley was aware that Shay was open to that kind of thing, though. She felt if Shay was wary, it wasn't because she was against the idea. The brunette was just feeling the usual uncertainty of having feelings for someone she didn't think would have the same kind of feelings for her. That was always difficult to deal with. Ashley had confided in Shay her fair share of uncertainty about the handful of relationships she'd had ever since they had become friends. Shay had been very supportive. Ashley thought she would offer the same to Shay. But Shay had to ask for help on her own.

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