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There were the usual crowd of reporters outside of the restaurant when she exited. Walking past them made some of them follow her, although they tried to keep some semblance of privacy by walking just a little bit away from her, and not really invading her personal space. It was kind of an unspoken rule in the paparazzi world, apparently. She ignored the questions that were being called out, an attempt to get anything out of her. She's never been one to give the paparazzi anything. Once you give them something, they start asking for more. Like a pack of hungry lions.

She was finally at the parking lot when she heard her name being called out, and it was in the voice of the person she'd just left in the restaurant. She froze, not because she wanted to, but because she didn't think Sasha would follow her there, not when the blonde had basically ignored her while Shay was on her way out.

"Shay," she heard again, and this time, she turned, because it would have looked weird to the people around them if she didn't. That was something she had learned to do ever since the first few cameramen had started following her around waiting for a scoop on her. The more out of character she was, the more ammo for the paparazzi.

Shay vaguely noted that three security guards started rounding up the reporters, finally noticing that they were sort of harassing her already. So when Sasha was already close enough to her, the paparazzi weren't within earshot anymore.

Shay resented the fact that just seeing Sasha started diffusing the anger that was just starting to build inside her. She resisted the urge to sigh to herself. She really needed to work on keeping her emotions more controlled, especially since she knew that Sasha didn't even return her feelings.

With this in mind, she forced herself not to look too much like a kicked puppy as she met Sasha's eyes. They were intent on hers now, quite unlike how just a few moments ago, Sasha had been doing all she could not to look too long into Shay's eyes.

No matter where you looked, though, it seemed like the two of them were having a moment. Shay clenched her jaw when Sasha's eyes flickered towards the paparazzi that still had their cameras trained unto them. The blonde still cared too much about their image to do anything. Shay did, too. She'd be lying if she said she didn't. But to be honest, finding love was something Shay was intent on keeping separate from most of her decisions in life. It had to do with how love never really waited for the right time, nor the right place, but it had everything to do with being with the right person.

If she was falling, then what the fuck. She was going to grab on to that, if she could.

But she couldn't. Not when Sasha stiffened every time the subject of the two of them together was brought up.

So Shay shook her head, and she forced a smile. "We can talk about this later, Sash. I mean-" She shrugged. "I'm your ride. I'll take you home."

Sasha saw Shay turning away to walk towards the car again, and for some reason she couldn't name, Sasha felt like this was a really important moment. She didn't know what it was. Maybe it was because they were in public and people were going to be seeing them together if they stayed there and had an intimate talk that was entirely out of place in the parking lot of restaurant. Maybe it was because it was now the third time that Shay was turning from her to walk away.

Or maybe it was because despite Shay walking away, it had always felt like it was really Sasha who was distancing herself. And that didn't sit well with Sasha at all.

So against her better judgment—clearly it was a better idea to get out of the public eye first before even talking about their relationship—Sasha reached out before Shay could take anymore steps and caught Shay's hand in hers.

Shay was so surprised at the contact that she turned, eyes wide. She was sure Sasha would agree to hiding from the public. They were very private people. It was the reason why they chose to have dinner at home most nights after work. But Sasha was keeping both of them out by holding on to her hand. The shock of Sasha's skin against hers also made her breath hitch. Damn. I really am a goner, Shay thought.

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