Hearts and Minds

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"It's lonelier at night."

Sasha's voice was quiet. It was a week after the weekend Shay had taken her out, a little over a week after Sasha's breakup. Shay had originally called to ask about the dinner they were supposed to have the next day with the writers. It was a relatively regular thing, and it was a semi business affair where the writers try to get their opinions on what's happening with the show. The writers also tried to wheedle information about their personal lives just to make sure nothing was happening that could possibly compromise the show. Shay was actually advised to keep any relationships she have extra private because she was playing a homosexual character. While they weren't going to meddle with any guy she might date, they would prefer for her to keep them out of the paparazzi's eyes. Shay thought it was ridiculous, but she hadn't really been out looking for a boyfriend anyway.

She tuned back into the phone she held to her ear, completely forgetting about why she was even calling her co-star at such a late time at night. Shay rolled from her side to her back so she was staring at her ceiling, but not really seeing anything. "Quiet doesn't mean, lonely, Sash."

"Yeah, but... This one's lonely."

Shay heard her sigh, almost seeing the headshake that followed, a habit Sasha had given Alison while playing the character. "It's a good thing I called, then. I'm great company."

Sasha smiled a little, hugging one of her pillows closer to her. "It's a good thing you did." She paused, watching her fingers pick at invisible lint on her bed, before sighing. "Sorry. I need to stop this. I'm bringing down our mood with me. Why'd you call, Shay?"

"No, wait. We can't shift topics until you're happy again."

Sasha's lips twitched in amusement. "Why'd you call, Shay?"

"You should tell me what's wrong."

"I've been unloading on you all week."

"That's what friends are for. And I'm a friend. I take my duties very seriously."

"No, it's fine-"

"All right, wait. Just- I'll call you back."

Shay dropped her phone before Sasha could say anything else. Sasha frowned down at her phone before dropping her phone on her bed. After about 12 seconds she raised it again to check if Shay had already called. And she was like that for the next 27 minutes until her phone rang again.

Sasha picked up, slightly annoyed. "Shay, that was really-"

"Can you open your door? My hands are full."

Sasha blinked, and she didn't even think about the fact that she was wearing close to nothing with only really short shorts and a tank top to bed before she got up and made for her front door in record time. Her hand hesitated on the doorknob, but she willed herself to open the door.

And there stood Shay, hands honestly full with bags and her shoulder lifted to press her phone to her ear. She was probably still on call with Sasha's phone.

"Hi," Shay greeted with a grin.

"What are you doing here?" Sasha stood, eyes wide with shock at seeing the other girl in her stoop at half past ten at night.

"You said you were lonely."

Sasha's heart warmed considerably, and she moved forward, still oblivious to her state of undress, and wrapped her arms around Shay, who remained immobile. "You didn't have to come here."

After a few seconds, Shay spoke up. "Um, maybe help me out so I can hug you back."

Sasha jumped back, apologizing, blushing at her antics, and she quickly grabbed one of the bags in Shay's hands so she could take it to the kitchen, which she surmised after looking into the bag. She placed it on the island and turned back to watch Shay as she followed, placing the bag on the counter, too. After she did, she beckoned Sasha closer.

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