Weiss looked back at her shoulders, facing another girl with snow white hair almost mistaking her for family for some odd reason. She quickly diminished the thought.

"...And you are?"

"I'm just someone who doesn't want this to go any further." 

"Well excuse you! She almost made the both of us explode! We're lucky it wasn't near the edges of the cliffs." 

"I understand however she already apologized many times. Give her a break. It's everyone's first day." 

Weiss thought she'd go into the whole 'Schnee's are all the same!' argument, but what she got instead is a level-headed person who understands the situation, she calmed down. At least she wouldn't have to deal with the same argument again.

"Fine. I guess you're right. I'm sorry for... yelling at you earlier." 

"Oh! Um. Apology accepted...!" 

"Well, that's good of you two. Keep it up and you'll have great friends in no time." 


They walked in the Auditorium with everyone else gathering inside, the ceiling was high and the entire place itself could hold the whole school in case of emergencies. Yang looked around trying to look for her fellow sisters and spotted a all too familiar White hair in the crowd. F/N and Ruby came across a blonde name Jaune who was in the same shoes as Ruby, so they all decided to go together. A recognizable shout came across the crowded area,

"Hey! Ruby, F/N! I saved you some spots!" 

Yang waved at them, calling them out in the crowd. Ruby was happy she had someone else she knew in this new school.

"Hey wait! Great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" 

Jaune's shoulders drooped at the sight of his new friend rushing off elsewhere.

"So you're into those kind of girls?" 

"Well, I have a lot of preferences. But yeah." 

"That's...assuring. Keep it it up." 

"Yeah you too!" 


"Yang! You just ditched me and F/N! Do you know how scary it was with so many people!?" 

"Yikes. Meltdown already?" 

"Well I guess it wasn't all too bad, I think?" 

"What happened?" 

The red head took a small sigh before explaining, 

"Well, I accidentally tripped over a girls bag and everything went flying! Well when I tripped she went and yelled at me and I was so scared! But thanks to F/N, we made up! I guess we're semi friends now!"

Ruby smiled, she wasn't all too sure that she was still angry at her for tripping over tons of expensive stuff. Who knew how much it could've cost if she broke it! She was too busy in her conversation she didn't notice the same person she'd been talking about was behind her.

"You! You're lucky it didn't explode!" 

"It was an accident! Sorry..!" 

"Hmph. Well I'm still angry about that little 'accident'! And in return you'll have to make up to me!" 

"Oh, that's great! Well what do you want me to do?" 

"I, Weiss Schnee give you the privilege of being my friend! Be thankful!" 

"Ah! I... Um. Ruby Rose, thank you and will accept this greatly!" 

Weiss, in her proud form gave a small smile. This was her first friend in Beacon and Ruby wasted no time to accept the friendship. 

"See Ruby? I knew you'd make you're first friend today!" 

"Be thankful I offered it!" 

"Yep I definitely am!" 

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