"It doesn't matter. It's not their life, it's ours. I could care less what they think. Hell, we're engaged, it's not like this was a one night stand gone wrong. And we're adults, we don't need people and their dumb opinions." He kissed the side of her head and her hand curled into a fist on his stomach. "It can just be us, the baby, and the dogs."

Betty giggled and Jughead furrowed his brows. "It's kind of ironic how yesterday we were talking about getting a puppy and now we're having a baby." Betty mumbled. "Well, maybe."

"Maybe?" She sighed, nodding.

"I can miscarry, or they could have been false positives."

"I doubt they were false positives, Betts." She shrugged.

"Everyone always says that so I thought I needed to, too." He chuckled, dipping his head down to kiss her.


Betty cringed and Jughead furrowed his brows. "What? I thought you liked Pop's?" She shuddered and shook her head.

"The smell is horrid." She plugged her nose and he sighed. "This is, like, the fourth thing I can't eat. I can't eat pizza, chicken, turkey, now burgers and fries. I hate this." He put the take out in the fridge, handing her a milkshake. "I can still have this without wanting to throw up." She sipped it and hummed, Jughead chuckling.

"You're fucking adorable." She blushed, holding the cup up to him.

"Want some?" He laughed, sipping from the drink after placing a quick kiss to her lips. "Ooh, just so you know, I have clothes coming in the mail because even though I'm, like, not even showing yet," she huffed, the two of them moving upstairs. "I will be in a few weeks and I will slowly start to not fit in my clothes anymore."

He opened the door to the balcony, sitting down in a chair and pulling Betty down into his lap. "Did you ever figure out when... it happened?"

"If my math is correct," she looked at him with a lopsided frown, exhaling slowly. "It was either the night we got engaged or the morning after."

"Oh, just wonderful. Double anniversary." She giggled, laying back on his chest while still sipping the milkshake. "At least we'll always remember the day our first baby was conceived."

"That makes it sound so weird." They both laughed, Jughead taking another drink from the milkshake. "But, on another note, I was looking at some puppies for adoption the other day."

"We're still doing that?" She shrugged, giving him a small smile.

"Do you want to?" He nodded, his hand squeezing her thigh. "Well, there is a sheepdog puppy up for adoption a few miles away from Riverdale."

He snickered, taking the milkshake from her hands. "Let me guess, you already contacted them?"

She smiled sheepishly, nodding. "We pick her up on Monday." He chuckled, cupping her chin and kissing her quickly.

"You got Bailey a friend?"

She nodded, moving to straddle his hips. "Well, yeah. The poor girl has been around boys basically her whole life."

"Oh, now that's just cruel." She laughed as he bit at her neck, Jughead chuckling himself.


"Can you tell that I'm pregnant? Are my cheeks puffy?" Betty looked up from the paperwork she was filling out to Jughead who had amusement on his face.

"No, but I think it's going to be pretty obvious since you just checked off pregnant on your paperwork." She looked down at it, frowning.

"You know," she muttered. "That's quite mean."

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