004-Pass or Fail:Survival Test

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Kakashi pov (suprise~~~)

"morning everyone, ready for your first day?" I questioned my students, Sakura and Naruto were lying against a tree "HEY YOU'RE LATE!!" they yelled at me. "Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long route." they all just stared at me "Now lets get started," I start a timer "it's set for noon. Your assignment is very simple. You just have to take these bell from me," I held up 2 bells "that's all there is to it. If you can't get it by noon you go without lunch," I point to the three wooden posts"you'll be tied to those posts and watch me eat my lunch in front of you." Their stomachs all growl 'so that's why he told us not to eat breakfast'."wait a second why is there only two bells and three of us" Sakura asked and I gave her a closed eye smile as I explained "That way at least one of you will end up tied to a post and ultimately disqualified for failing to complete the mission. Then again all three of you could out too, you could use any weapons including shurikens. If you're not prepared to kill me then how will you become a ninja?" I let my words sink in. "But those weapons are too dangerous Sensei!" Sakura's tone was filled with worry "Yeah! Especially if you cant even doge an eraser!" Naruto grinned at me. "Class clowns tend to be the weakest links, you can simply ignore them. Low scores; losers. When I say start you can begin" My words seem to have angered the blonde as he charged right at me with his kunai out. I caught his hand and appeared behin him, holding the kunai to his head." Don't be in such a hurry I didn't say start yet but you came at me with a full intention to kill me. So.... how can I put it....I'm really starting to like you guys. And~ START!"

Misaka's POV 

I'm leaning against a pillar reading 'icha icha paradise' while Gramps and Iruka talk. "Iruka what did you wish to see me about, I don't think you mearley came to see me and to drink tea did you?" At that I started listening to their conversation, "Naruto has been assigned to squad 7. The jonin in charge of that group, just how tough a trainer is he?" I sighed "kakashi you mean? You're concerned about him?" Gramps questioned "I am. I heard a rumor about his training methods." Iruka finished. Gramps hummed in acknowledgement (I wrote that right first try) and got out a book "what's this?" Iruka stared at the book and I looked in their direction "All the trainees that have ever been assigned to him those who passed and those who failed" Iruka picked up the book "May I?" and he opened it. "hm? hm!? this...this is..!!!"

I was starting to get bored so I spoke up "what is it?" I tried looking over his shoulder flapping my arms "It can't be, this is even worse than the rumors" I stopped moving 'hm? is it that bad?' "Kakashi's tests may be a bit more difficult than the others" That's Kakashi for ya "A bit more difficult?? Not a single student has passed Kakashi's tests" I tried to hide my laugh "None of the students lived up to Kakashi's standards, so they were all eliminated" I explained to them both going back to my book. "Huh!? How are you so calm about this, Naruto and his team might not make it as Ninja!?" Iruka shouted in my direction and I became serious "Pipe down. If they don't pass then so be it. They weren't ready to become Ninja, I would rather they fail than me having to bury their bodies." I watched Iruka stiffen at my words then give him a closed eye smile "Besides," I giggle "let's not focus on the negative. They have an Uzumaki and Uchia on their team.With good teamwork they will be unstoppable, so don't doubt them Iruka." "Iruka this group is young, even I can't say if they can face the riggers and dangers of the ninja life. However Kakashi was correct about all those he failed."

With that I teleport to their training ground on top of a post. Kakashi notices me but doesn't acknowledge me, while the kids are clueless."uh oh, stomachs growling? Oh by the way about this exercise I decided I won't send any of you back to the Academy." Naruto gasps in joy and grins "huh? all I did was scream and pass out do I get points for that?" sakura questioned her sensei then jumped up and started celebrating. "That means- all three- all three of us-" "yes. all three of you are being dropped from the program. Permanently." They all had looks of horror on their face "DROP US FROM THE PROGRAM YOU CAN'T DO THAT!! YOU SAID IF WE COULDN'T TAKE THE BELLS WE WOULD BE SENT BACK TO THE ACADEMY, YOU CAN'T JUST CHANGE YOUR MIND!!! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!!!" I made my presence known by huffing and covering my ears "It's because you don't think like ninja,"

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