Chapter 9: Heart go Brrrrrr

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"I can't do it", Taehyung slammed his head on his desk making Jimin flinch badly.

Jimin was currently in Taehyung's dorm helping him with his speech.

" Have you gone insane or something ", Jimin checked his forehead, looking for any possible small injury.

" Jiminie I have an idea",Taehyung suddenly sat up straight again with confidence making Jimin pay attention to him.

"Let's pretend I'm kidnapped or something-"

"Tae I swear to god"

"No seriously. I feel like puking just thinking about it", Taehyung looked Jimin dead in the eyes making Jimin sigh.

"Hey no, don't say that you have improved. You can definitely do this",Jimin said words of encouragement to him, calming him a little.

Taehyung now was regretting his decisions.

That's why you should not speak too much if you are angry.

Taehyung was done at his life at this moment.

He was about to start again when the door bell rang taking their attention.

Jimin got up and opened the door.

There he saw an overly excited Jungkook with a bag in his hand and a bored looking Yoongi, who was just staring elsewhere.

But as soon as Yoongi looked and realised that Jimin was there his eyes had stars in it.

"Hi Jimin", Yoongi was the one who started the conversation, as Taehyung

lso stood behind Jimin making Jungkook's heart go brrrr.

" Hi Yoongi and Jungkook, How come you are here? ", Jimin asked with a smile.

" We are here to help Taehyung", Jungkook said with a wide smile.

"Actually he is here to help Taehyung. I thought you must be tired by now so you can come with me", Yoongi suggested and Jungkook nodded.

" But how did you know I was here? ", Jimin squinted his eyes.

Jungkook and Yoongi just smiled.

Jungkook and Yoongi were waiting.

Waiting patiently for the perfect moment.

A boy was keeping his books in the locker when he felt someone grabbing him behind the lockers.

He was caged between an imitating bunny and a scary kitty.

"You are in Jimin's class right? ", the kitty asked.

" S-Sir what are you-"

"Just answer him", the bunny boy stated.

" Yes? "

"Where is he now? "

" With Taehyung "

"Hello? ", Jungkook and Yoongi's eye snapped  as Jimin waved in front of them.

" Uh yea so you can go out", Jungkook enters the dorm pushing Jimin slightly.


"Actually you can leave Jiminie", everyone looked at Taehyung who had a blank expression on his face, staring Yoongi intensely.

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